Monday, August 25, 2008

Update on My Dangling Carrot

Earlier this month I started a new project with 40 four patches found discarded in a UFO pile. I used the Square in a Square (SnS) technique to go around them twice, once with the woodgrain black fabric and once again with the wild lime green stripe to grow the blocks (they will be 7.5 finished). Wow, enough now to make this a lap size quilt instead of a baby quilt had I used used the 4-patches as is (heaven knows I didn't want to make a 100 more of them just to get a bigger quilt!)

I mentioned in my blog that I should add some carrot fabric so I could legally call the quilt "My Dangling Carrot" and received offers of help...I am still accepting carrot and veggie prints as my plans have now changed to include other fun prints...

You can see the progress I made yesterday on my 'day off' -- the photo is deceiving, these aren't attached yet. To each "green" SnS I added two SnS with carrot fabric purchased from . I just twisted and turned for the photo...the blocks currently only have carrots on one side, but this will be the future layout.

Here's the plan. That "hole" in between the setting solution of the two orange SnS blocks will be filled with the 5 inch squares I have received from my internet friends and a couple of local gals.

So far I have a dozen or so conversational fabrics to add and I'm so eager to see how it all comes together! I love the peas in a pod from Dawn in Idaho and the veggie melody from Jeanne in NC, Kaye in LA sent me a yard or more of cute little carrots, I may have enough for a narrow border, who knows! Dolly in OK sent me carrots on green background and carrots on my favorite PURPLE background. LeAnn in OK sent me tomatoes, peas and radishes on yellow backgrounds, and my local buddy Donna gave me carrot fabric similar to what I bought but with BIGGER carrots and a brown stem area instead of the green - so I'll be able to distinguish her fabric from mine.

A few more have offered their assistance in creating this quilt, so I look forward to going to the mailbox and being delighted even further. I am going to send a thank you five inch square in trade once I get my round-to-it. (you can email me if you want my snail mail address to add to my fun!

Since my "day off" is Sunday afternoons after worship it will take a few weeks to complete. I'm not sure what I'll do for borders, will just have to wait and be inspired. This is truly an unplanned quilt, but I'm finding this very fun and rewarding. All because I cleaned out my drawers due to a potential hurricane threat and found 40 four patches! God truly does work in mysterious ways, and loves to delight His children.

Delight yourself in the Lord and He shall direct your paths!

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