Thursday, October 16, 2008

Things to Look Forward To

1. Houston International Quilt Market
2. Houston International Quilt Festival
(more on these later - they are just around the corner!)
3. Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo


Yep, I'm looking forward to the annual rodeo -- oh, I know it's not until Feb/March 2009 but golly gee-don't ya' know there's a quilt show and entries need to be decided months in advance???

This is a TEXAS SIZED RODEO and there are entrants from all the counties in various events -- oh I love to watch the wrangling, the bull riding, love the country music, but those don't get me excited months in advance like the quilt show does!

See, here in Galveston County we have a unique way of deciding what quilt gets to represent us in this annual one of a kind event. Let me enlighten you on the "ways things are done 'round here" (grin)

Up until 3 years ago the Galveston County Go Texan Committee chairperson over the quilt entries asked the Island Quilters Guild (Galveston) if they would provide a quilt each year for the competition. The guild typically had members bring a quilt they would like to be considered to a specified guild meeting where it would be voted upon - the one with the most votes went to the rodeo. Three years ago a second guild was formed in Galveston County, the Mainland Morning Quilters Guild - you guessed it, they are are the mainland (Texas City) and they meet in the mornings - same day as the Island Quilters, third Thursdays. We decided to be sister guilds and offer a discount to duel members as well as shared events like sew-ins and retreats. In addition the board of the Galveston guild decided to share the responsibilities and privilege of providing a quilt for the annual rodeo on a rotating basis with the Texas City group. ... and today was the guild meeting where members brought in their entries to be voted upon by those present to represent Galveston County in the 2009 Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Quilt Show.

Drum roll please!!

If you've been following my blog "pre-Ike" then you may recall my urgency to deliver a customer quilt prior to evacuation....well, THAT quilt will be representing Mainland Morning and Galveston County in this year's rodeo! Yee-haw!!

The quilt was pieced by Dawn Larsen, she said the eagle in the middle was from a pattern but the rest of the design she just put together herself. When she brought it to me to quilt she said that she hoped "we" would have an entry in the rodeo! I'm so pleased for her. I know it will hang proudly and be a ribbon winner!

Sigh. It's a long time till February. There will be lots of things to ramble about between now and then, but that's okay - it's still fun to celebrate today and have something to look forward too!! Nothing like the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo! and the quilt show is pretty good too (grin)

Ya'll come now, ya'hear!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Another great opportunity for folks to see your quilting!


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