Friday, November 7, 2008

We interrupt this ramble for a very important prayer request

We have friends in Tennessee who live on a beautiful old farmstead complete with critters and such. They call it Nevrdun as in Never Done. She is a gifted writer and encourager and has an email subscription full of wonderful devotions and such. This week she has sent some very serious emails that I think are worth repeating and asking folks in cyper-land to read and pray over. I'm copying her recent emails to request that you take time to pray over the situation. Notice the dates of the emails to get a reference for the updates.

Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2008 1:31 PM
Subject: Nevrdun News - Prayer Request

As many of you know, the company Wes works for sends its pilots/mechanics all over the world. One of Wes' friends/roommates/coworkers, Chris, has been flying in Guyana the last few weeks. Wes just called to let us know Chris' plane is missing. The plane is overdue and has passed the time it would have run out of fuel. That's all we know at this point. We would appreciate your prayers for the situation and for Chris' family, including his fiance', during this time of uncertainty. Chris is planning to get married in December.

Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 5:23 AM
Subject: Nevrdun News - Prayer Request Update 1

Still no word on the missing plane. There were three people on board. Chris and Wes, the two operating the plane and one guy in the back operating the survey equipment.

Many of you have emailed with assurances of your prayers. I have been passing those messages along to Wes and he has been sending them on to Chris' fiance' and family. He has been deleting your names and addresses to protect your privacy, but if we know where the message originated, he is including that. What an encouragement it must be to Chris' family to
know there are people from literally all over the world praying. It certainly has been encouraging to us.

Put yourself in the families' shoes. Imagine experiencing what they are having to endure. Their fear, their hurt, their uncertainty. Are they able to sleep? Are they able to eat? Are their emotions in such turmoil that they are having difficulty fulfilling their daily responsibilities?

Galatians 6:2 says, "Carry each other's burdens . . ." What a beautiful picture. What's too heavy for one, can be borne by many. Please help them bear their incredibly heavy load by continuing to pray for them, as well as the crew and the rescue efforts.

Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 10:11 AM
Subject: Nevrdun News - Prayer Request Update 2

Wes just called.

Lord willing, he and two others will be leaving as early as 2 PM today for Guyana. As we talked, the King Air 100 they will be flying down was being retrofitted with infrared sensors to help with the search.

Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 10:31 AM
Subject: Nevrdun News - Prayer Request Update 3

I am so sorry to have caused some confusion with some of you.

The Wes you know (or have read about) is not on the missing plane. There are two guys named Wes. Wes B. (a coworker) is the Wes that is missing. (the other Wes is the son of the author)

Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 7:55 PM
Subject: Nevrdun News - Prayer Request Update 4

Another call from Wes. The last one for awhile as this is their last stop on U.S. soil.

Where are they? Fort Lauderdale.

No new word on the missing plane.

Calling while stopped for fuel in preparation for the next leg of the trip.
900 miles to San Juan, more fuel
another 800 or so to Georgetown

3 pilots on board
swapping around so they each have a chance to get some rest

should arrive at about dawn

What will tomorrow hold?

"We know not what the future holds, but we know Who holds the future."

Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 7:35 PM
Subject: Nevrdun News - Prayer Request Update 5

Word from Wes . . .

We are here in Georgetown. We flew this morning and then went back to the hotel while another crew took over. We're meeting them back out at the airport tonight. Really nothing to report yet. Maybe we'll find out something tonight.

Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2008 12:12 AM
Subject: Nevrdun News - Prayer Request Update 6

No word.

As we wait and watch and pray.

And trust.

Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2008 5:46 AM
Subject: Nevrdun News - Prayer Request Update 7

From Wes . . .

We will be flying again today but then everybody gets 8 hours of sleep tonight in preparation for an aircraft with a different type of imaging system arriving tomorrow. We are planning to fly it 24 hours a day for at least 6 days starting tomorrow. That should cover the probable areas, assuming the clouds remain clear.

Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 8:00 AM
Subject: Nevrdun News - Prayer Request Update 8

It has been six days.

No word.

No glimpse.

No sighting.

No nothing but hour after hour of intense searching.

And now the search and rescue team will hit it hard again, 24/7 for the next 6 days, using new-to-the-search equipment. We pray the team feels physically refreshed after their full night of sleep. No doubt the seriousness of the situation is heavy on their hearts. Lord, will You refresh them mentally and emotionally as well as physically?

It has been a long six days for the family and friends of the crew members, too. Someone has said, "Waiting is the hardest part."

Will you join us in helping that time pass for the families by sending a note of encouragement and support? It doesn't need to be a long message. Even a simple, "We are still praying," will speak volumes. It will let them know they are not forgotten. For we know many, many, many of you have been praying. We pray God will bless you for the time you have invested in these lives of ones you have never met.

If you would like to send a word of encouragement, please send your message here and we will see that they receive them. We will remove your e-mail address, but if you would like to include your first name and the city/state or country you are writing from I think it would be a blessing to the families.

Thank you.

Send email messages to


  1. Prayers are being said from Fairfield, Texas (90 mi. south of Dallas)

  2. Prayer also from near Philadelphia. Please keep us updated.

  3. We will keep your friend in our prayers and hope for a safe return.



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