Monday, January 26, 2009

Busy Weekend

Busy month! Hum, busy season! Feels like I haven't had a breather since pre-Ike when we were boarding up for the first time in August. Just this past week have I felt somewhat 'normal' -- and have been surprised that several of my local friends have felt the same way. I know folks are tired of us whining about Ike, but I tell ya', you survive a major life-changing event like that one and it does take it's toll on you.

But that's not what I wanted to ramble about this morning. Actually I have a couple of things I want to ramble about -- one being the quilt that almost took away all my confidence as a quilter...but that story needs lots of photos to tell so it will have to be delayed until another time.

So about my weekend...while it's fresh on my mind (grin)

Saturday morning I hosted four new students to a Square in A Square Class -- they learned the basic options (techniques) to make half-square triangles and flying geese out of squares and strips. Everyone finished one complete block and parts and pieces for others. The pattern was called Garden Party.

When class was over we all high-tailed it over to Cactus Quilts in Texas City to see what was left from her anniversary sale (it's a wonder we didn't delay the start of class to go shopping first!) We weren't disappointed. And yes, I was tempted. No stashbuster broken promises here, I gave up being a stashbuster (grin). I came home with a cute little panel that was half price, a few cordinating fat quarters that were 40 percent off and a little yardage of this cute matching pink print (that wasn't on sale). Oh, and did I mention that I just had to have a new book - needed some new reading material for the nightstand...25 percent off to boot!

Well, can't let a new project just sit so Sunday after worship I decided that I just needed to do something with that panel. I'm not really a "cheater cloth" sort of gal, but when it's on sale why not break out of my box. A few added SnS and tada....

Seems I didn't guestimate my pretty pink fabric well -- I've got to go back for 5.5 inches x WOF to be able to finish the narrow border on the other three sides (sigh). But! I did get the cordinating backing material on sale - so there.

Once that was complete I wanted to finish out the class demo from Saturday...even though I already had a class sampler made I always demo a block or two for the students to see and understand the instead of having another UFO I worked really hard to get my blocks together. We cut out enough for 5 blocks, and my original sample had 5, but one of the students mentioned that this design would look good set on point, so that's what I did - used four blocks on point and parts of the fifth block in the border.

So that's what I did this weekend.

I've got more to share...that quilt that totally depressed me, and the re-organization in my studio (mainly my UFO section)....but this is all the time I have this morning...Have a customer quilt calling my name and it's a little past my normal time to 'clock in' for work...stay tuned...the rambler isn't out of stories just been a little short on computer time.


  1. Oh, Karen, I know what you mean about Ike. It just left us feeling kind of "violated", didn't it. You don't get over that in a hurry.

  2. Karen, I have tagged you for a picture meme. Please come on over and check it out!

  3. That is one cute "cheater" panel and a perfect canvas for some of your great quilting!

  4. Karen, I have this same panel (next in line). It's one of those, "had to have it's". It's just so darn cute! Love the colors. Susan


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