Sunday, February 15, 2009

Tic Tac Toe Away We Go

Looks like a game board doesn't it? Nope. It's my project boxes for this next weekend...big goals, not realistic, but variety is nice.

What am I talking about? An upcoming retreat of course! A weekend get-a-way with a few quilting buddies and I'm planning my course of action!

The top left is a UFO (UnFinished Object) - renamed PS for Project Started - called Southern Skies. It's a SnS (Square in a Square) pattern that's in the works. it has high hopes of being chosen to be worked on.

Center top row is another SnS project you've seen before -- I started it in January -- Peddler's Choice, the center blocks are all done and connected, all it needs is a border, or two (smile) to call it a Quilt in Waiting.

Actually, that's the goal -- to turn a few of these from PS's to QIW.

The far right on the top is a project that was a result of a PS turning to a QIW last year at retreat -- one that is still in that category actually (Morning Star). It was a Nickel Quilt (from the pattern book series with the same name) that was cut out to be a queen size top but found itself a twin instead. Finished is good. Well, finished piecing at this point. Anyway, the leftover nickels needed a quilt to belong to so I decided to make a Ferris Wheel and made a couple of blocks...then it got shelved. I pulled it out today and finished cutting out all the hexagons so it would have a better chance of getting worked on at retreat next weekend.

Middle row, left is a goofy little Christmas quilt. The blocks were pieced back in 2004 so I'd have something to practice on (early days of longarm quilting). All it needs is a border. This one has a good chance of getting picked as a "me first" project -- goals of being one of the first QIW for the weekend.

Center of center row is a new project that I've been working on these past few "days off" (remember I piece for myself on Sunday's after worship). This is another SnS pattern called Waterwheel. I have 24 blocks made already and have pieced the basic square for the Option 4 half square triangles that will join these blocks as small pinwheels. I really like the fabric in this one, it's a new line by P&B called Siena so it has a good chance of being among the chosen at retreat. One of the gals is coming from the Dallas area and is swinging by P&B to pick up a bolt for the backing! What a treat! What a nice friend!

Right, center row is parts and pieces to a lone star made of purple and orange batiks using the QuiltSmart method. Everything is cut out. This was fabric I purchased in the summer of 2004 with a gift certificate from ladies at in the Women's Ministry at church...I'd put together a prayer quilt with their help for our pastor's wife who had just been diagnosed with a very rare bone cancer. She's undergone lots of stuff in the past few years and is a living testimony to God's grace. We learn a lot from her and her godly example. Anyway, the ladies got together and gave me a gift certificate to the local quilt shop as a thank you for heading up the prayer quilt....I don't know if I'll get to this quilt next weekend at retreat or not, but I hope so. At least work on it a little bit so it doesn't feel so neglected. I know it will remind me to pray for our pastor's wife and others who are going through physical battles as I work on it and every time I see it. Quilts have memories associated with them ya'know.

Bottom row, left. That's a little project that's sure to be done -- or at least I hope. It's not among my countdown of PS's, it's actually a new project. There are a dozen of us looking forward to this escape and time of endless sewing...we are exchanging a signature block to make a souvenir of our weekend together. That's my dozen blocks in that project box, and a cute little panel that I hope will work as a topper to a quaint little memento.

Bottom center is my Christmas tree quilt -- it was hanging in my living room as a PS during my open house. Technically it needs a top and bottom pieced row before it can become a QIW. I hope it will be one that is finished up, it would really be nice to also be able to move it to the finished category before this next Christmas. Only time will tell.

The final PS in my tic tac toe arrangement is a kiddie kaleidoscope. I pieced 12 blocks in 2004 and have let it sit since then. Today I decided to cut out the parts and pieces for the remaining 13 blocks with high hopes of it getting picked as one of the top candidates for next weekend's projects. I think I'll have enough fabric for a nice wide border -- and I went shopping in my stash and came up with a luscious lemon stripe that I hope will blend in, I'm thinking striped bias binding and backing for this one! This one just makes me smile -- love the colors, love the cute little sea creatures.

So there you have it. The line up. Pretty little project boxes full of PS's (projects started) all with the high hopes of being worked on at least a little bit at the retreat... why so many you ask?? In case I get distracted or lose focus on one I have something else to chose from (grin). Yep, I'm a certifiable basket case. And yes, I have a very big trunk!!

So the agenda this week is to try to put visions of PS's and future QIW out of my mind long enough to deal with the week's wonderful activities! I have a beautiful customer applique quilt on the frame now and hopes to finish another customer quilt before I take time out for fun with my quilting buddies.

Stay tuned. The retreat center is really fabulous and the gals will all have their own projects to work on -- we love show and tell. To get a glimpse of what to expect visit my webshot album from last year's retreat! We had sew much fun!! There will be some new faces this year, but I can guarantee that we'll all be smiling!!

High hopes!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you have some great projects to choose from ... I can just hear the Christmas quilt in the bottom row saying 'pick me, pick me' :-)...
    ya'll have a good time regardless of which quilts you work on ...


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