Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Machine is Happy!

My A-1 (longarm) is happy again, it's being used as intended! Having been out of town more in the last 6 weeks than being at home it has probably wondered when I was going to get back to work!!

And boy does it feel good! I love my machine. It truly is a joy to use and to be able to assist my customers in finishing up their heirlooms. This particular quilt is a signature quilt from a family reunion, sure to be an heirloom for generations to come!

As you can tell from the foreground I'm still 'unsettled' as far as my unpacking and deep cleaning is concerned. The suitcases from the cruise are waiting to go to the attic (the door is right above their waiting area). Hopefully when hubby gets home from work I can sweet talk him into taking care of this eye sore -- by then it will be a little cooler to open up that attic! We keep saying we need to deep clean the attic, but don't seem to find the time in the winter when it would be tolerable (grin) -- imagine living in hot humid Houston area and going into an attic that is twice as warm as the outside temperature (or at least it feels that way to me) Oh well, out of sight, out of mind!!

Since coming back to the "real world" I'm trying to be a better balancer...a little time each day to catch up on those home projects in between quilts, and a little time every few days to catch up with emails, blogs, and online chats. I have had a little difficulty with emails lately, I use Outlook to view my mail and it has a problem. I've researched what I need to do to fix it but haven't wanted to devote the time, so am relying on the data on my phone to read important emails -- takes more of an effort to "text" an email reply on a phone than a laptop keyboard, but hey, life is full of challenges and if this is the least of my worries (which at the moment it is) then I am more than blessed!

Okay, lunch break is over, a few distractions with the computer, and I'm ready to go dance with my machine again! Yep, I'm happy too (grin)

1 comment:

  1. Karen, I love the Rail Fence quilt over your machine. I hope your machine stays happy...a happy machine and a happy quilter.


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