Sunday, August 9, 2009

Awesome Day!

This is the view from my car window this morning on the way to church. Just breath-taking -- the photo doesn't do God's handiwork justice!

What an awesome day! From the rising of the sun to the setting of the same, may the Lord be praised!

I just love my church. We have a wonderful fellowship and a gifted pastor. Pastor Ron Hindt is teaching in the book of Revelation and today was in the first part of chapter 2 concerning Ephesus the loveless church who lost their first love. A powerful message that resulted in many lives changed including several coming to know the Savior. What a new beginning! Fresh like after the rain.

I took this photo of a bowl of cherries that I washed for breakfast. Don't know why, just thought they were pretty. Again, a reminder of our Creator and how He provides for us.

This afternoon was "my time" to get to chill out and work on a few projects. I tend to take a long time to get around to something....Son #1 had asked me to make him some pillows out of bandannas for his apartment as well as use a bandanna to patch a hole in his jeans and the jeans of his roommate ...well, just to prove how long it has taken for me to accomplish this feat I found movie tickets (and two dollars) in the pocket that was dated December 2008!

Ah, but finished is good and I know he'll be glad. Pixxie liked the pillows -- I like the design of the bandannas -- wouldn't that make a great whole cloth quilt design? Maybe in a few years!

Once that was complete I figured I had enough time still left in my afternoon to put borders on a quilt that I pieced back in January. For some reason blogger has rotated my photo, but I think you can tell....LOOK MA! TWO BORDERS ON AT ONCE!

And mitered! I love doing borders this way, it's so much faster to do two at once and to cut them the exact size needed -- a technique I learned from Winnie Flemming, a local teacher at Quakertown Quilts -- and my is it accurate! Just take a look.

I tend to have fullness in the middle, not the best piecer on the planet that's for sure. But if I'll measure and take averages before cutting out my border I don't end up with wavy borders. Makes it so much easier to quilt!!

So here's the pieced top, about 68 x 77. It's adapted from a Square in a Square pattern called Peddler's Choice. Maybe next weekend I can piece the back and prepare the binding then it can go into the "quilts in waiting" pile....might be a loooong while before that gets accomplished, but I can change my totals and reduce my UFO pile by one!

Yep, an awesome day and it's not over with yet -- looking forward to a beautiful sunset as I dine on the patio with my favorite fellow....


  1. Love your borders, pieced back and pillows. This has been a productive day for you. Congrats.

  2. Such a pretty quilt, Karen! Very different.

  3. Wow! You got a LOT done. I like that quilt top. We got some rain yesterday!!! Yippee!


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