Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sneak Peak - Houston Market AND studio redo

The past few days I've had a beautiful quilt on my's the newest fabric line by Robyn Pandolph, Beach House, that will be introduced this weekend at the Fall Quilt Market here in Houston. Robyn is a local celebrity. She has designed numerous lines of fabric and is most known for her beautiful roses and soft colors. I fell in love with one of her fabric lines several years ago and made a prayer quilt for a friend named Connie who was going through Breast Cancer from Robyn's Hanna Bella line. I still have scraps and they find their way into several of my scrap quilts.

Robyn does beautiful hand applique! I just had to take a close up of her work before it was quilted because I am just amazed at the perfection. I don't applique and have a high amount of respect and awe for those who have mastered this craft. I took a class once from Sue Garman, another highly talented local celebrity. Sue is an awesome teacher and very very patient. I finally understood the process (having attempted once before) and actually have a piece that is a work in progress....but in reality, I'll leave the applique up to the experts and do my best to quilt around them !

Robyn had contacted me last week with a request to assist her in finishing this quilt in time to hang in the RJR Fabrics booth at market. I wish I had better light in my studio, the photos do not do the fabric justice. Hopefully I be able to get a better photo of the quilt hanging in the booth this weekend where it will be properly lit.

I've been thinking about the next phase of rearranging my studio and got a wild hair last night and asked hubby to help me move a few things... I have wanted to have the walls painted since before we moved here 4 years ago this month....but there has never been a down time where we could devote the days toward the project as well as have the studio unproductive....

And then it came to me...why not just do the room in sections! A wall here, a wall there... wouldn't be so much to move at one time and I could do a little deep cleaning as we were in that section...hum...and why not use the time away from the studio while I was at Market to have hubby start the painting! Why not indeed!

Okay, so decided that the area behind the longarm had got a little junked up as well as the corner with the sewing machine, which is the area I want to paint first and here's the before photos taken last night.

Moved the tall bookcase to the corner behind the longarm, stacked the drawers on top of each other and purchased two more sets, and took the fabric off the bolts and put on the Fabric Organizers that fit on the shelf..

Much neater don't you think? It will look much nicer when this wall gets painted, but that will be a while since it's the last wall on the list (grin). The sewing corner needs to moved to the center of the room so he can paint there first and then I want to put up shelves and move the cutting and ironing cabinets to this side of the room...then we'll paint the other side of the room and redo stay tuned as my studio is truly ever changing!


Am I crazy or what for starting a studio improvement now (grin).

Keeps life interesting and something to ramble about!


  1. Very clever, setting up the painting project and then leaving town. Have fun.

  2. Your room looks great, having enough room, & being truly organized is always a complaint of mine. Robyn's fabrics look delightful, have been a big fan of hers for a long time. The quilting you are doing in so Beautiful.


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