Thursday, December 3, 2009

Texas Snow

In Texas, Cotton is king....and cattle, and oil, and... and.... and....

Okay, so we are a proud bunch, what can I say...

Hubby and I were traveling home from an A-1 Quilting Machine set up in San Angelo Texas this morning and instead of 'frost on the pumpkin' we saw frost on the cotton!

Burr, 33 degrees! Too cold for this gulf coast gal...but I couldn't resist a photo opt as we drove through miles and miles of cotton fields, many already picked... I guess as a quilter I just am naturally drawn to cotton...or could it be that my grandmother always shared stories of her 'cotton pickin' days' her later years she even grew cotton in her flower bed she loved it so much ..

Like I said, I'm a gulf coast gal and this beautiful field of cotton is about as close as I really want to get to Texas Snow....HOWEVER, it IS in the forecast tomorrow for Houston as well as Galveston county so stay tuned!


  1. I love the cotton fields too. I also like seeing the huge bales of cotton by the fields after they've been harvested. I'm close to the Houston area and I'm waiting to see if we actually get snow today or not! We got some last year, so why not again?!

  2. Oh Cotton snow! I love your pictures!

    I haven't seen cotton plant before! I had to come see the snow and I was gonna say even in PA we don't have snow yet! :))


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