Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Blue Skies

We were blessed. The storm came in 6 hours earlier than predicted thus reducing the potential build up of wind and rain. Although I don't fully understand this, my husband said that it wasn't typical in the way that the west side of the storm is usually the dry side (which it wasn't)...and somehow the way it was forming it pulled water out of the gulf which allowed for a better runoff from the rains. Again, I'm clueless, all I know is this photo was taken at 3 PM - the original forecast for this time would have been the beginning of a long rain - and I was singing praises.

There was more rain inland. I quit watching the news and took an afternoon nap so I'm not sure how the rest of the area faired.

We are thankful that we were prepared, thankful that we didn't need our preparations, and also discovered a few flaws in what we thought was preparedness (namely I didn't have enough food or water in the event of an extended power outage). It was wonderful not to have lost power. I caught up on some of my computer "paperwork" that I never seem to have time to get around to.

Though uneventful, this has been emotionally and physically taxing due to the "rush" of getting things done. Now that the boards are cut for our windows the next time won't be so rough.

The hard part now is unpacking my space bags and putting things back in the drawers.

I honestly had no idea I had so much stuff in my studio ~ I'm thinking that I shouldn't be allowed to go fabric shopping for quite some time ~ I really want to work on my UFO's and turn this fabric into quilts - hopefully I'll be posting photos of finished quilts. But not for a while yet, I am behind in my customer quilts due not only to vacation but now Edouard. I'm thinking tonight that all I can muster is finishing the binding on a quilt I finished last week, and then start anew tomorrow.

His Mercy is New Every Morning -- and I'm counting on it!


  1. So glad your area was spared from the destruction of a horrible hurricane. I know you and your hubby must be so exhausted! Like the idea of the nap.

  2. I was so glad to find your blog. I've missed your ramblings since having to leave Longarm digest.

    Happy the hurricane lost power and did no damage. I know the preparations were exhausting but it is a way to reorganize. Maybe I need a hurricane to come close here so I could do the same. It already looks like a tornado has been through here.

    Looking forward to more "ramblings".

    Judy in MO


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