Sunday, September 21, 2008

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

God is our Refuge Psalm 46

Sunday, September 21, 2008 1400 CST

It felt good to be in the Lord’s house today, among His people. One of the praise songs we sang included these words “so remember your people, remember your children, remember your promise oh God…His grace is enough, his grace is enough, his grace is enough for me”

Truly God has remembered His people and given us His grace. When I drove up to the church parking lot. Calvary Chapel Houston, I was pleased to see a disaster relief center set up with Samaritan’s Purse and Billy Graham Rapid Response Team

Here's the video they showed at church today - if the link doesn't work go to Smaritan's Purse then click on the videos for Hurricane Ike. There are also photos and videos on our church website Calvary Chapel Houston.

Pastor Ron Hindt shared how these ministries had come along side volunteers from our fellowship to minister to the surrounding community of Friendswood. They have served over 6000 hot meals, provided tree removal services and repairs, and more importantly provided prayer and words of comfort to the people. It was exciting to hear Pastor Ron share how lives had been changed by Ike – not just physical lives due to the damage and destruction of property but how people’s lives have been transformed for eternity as the gospel of Jesus Christ has been shared and lives changed forever. Those volunteers have undertaken the responsibility to be the hands and feet of hope through their service but greater than that, they have counted it a privilege to share the hope of salvation to a hurting world.

This morning’s sermon was the 46th Psalm. I made note of a few thoughts concerning the first part of the chapter. Verse 1 God is OUR refuge and strength – this makes it personal, He is here for all of us. Refuge is a place of shelter and comfort in the midst of the storm. A very PRESENT help in TROUBLE – present denotes here and now, trouble means in a tight place, imagine squeezing in a closet or bathtub during the storm – God is there. Verse 2 therefore we WILL NOT fear – This is confidence – we can have confidence that God is with us and that He offers us a refuge. Which He surly did during Ike. Yes, He could have stopped the storm, but He has other plans. Who knows, He may have been trying to get our attention that we either need to accept Him as Lord and Savior, or to return to Him as our first love. Verse 10 says be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth.

My friends, if you are reading this and have been following the ramblings of this quilter, I pray that your eyes will be opened to the truth of His love, that Christ died in your place that you might have eternal life and live with Him if only you believe and trust Him. It’s that simple. If you need to talk to someone I suggest that you contact Billy Graham or Calvary Houston. I am currently without internet and continue to borrow time to connect – don’t wait until my services are up so we can speak, today is the day of salvation, dear reader, find your way to Jesus and then leave a message so I can rejoice with you. Hurricane Ike may be a pivotal point in your life too by leading you to the One who calms the storms and offers salvation to all who will receive Him. I am praying for you. Earnestly pleading that those who read these ramblings will know that Jesus is the Answer. He loves you so.

Calvary Houston 281.648.5800

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