Friday, September 12, 2008

A Small Ray of Encouragement

My youngest son has a friend who in still in our home area - they have a "hurricane proof" house and assist the local volunteer fire department and other officials, so it's okay for them to still be there...we were just in contact with him and he gave us this report as of 6:45 PM

He was sitting at the boat dock where we took photos the other morning - the pier is under water but the waves are just splashing on the cliff, still about 5 feet before it goes over the road. If you look at the photo of Noah's Ark his location would be just beyond that on the bay - That is good news, the streets haven't flooded yet. We know that it will eventually, but if it's not flooded yet there is hope of minimal flooding instead of total to the roof top flooding or at least that's what I'm beliving right now.

The young man then drove to our house while still on the phone with my son and gave us a report - he walked around the house, checked the locks, said everything was as we left it.

The sad news is that he reported that very few of the residents evacuated. This breaks my heart as we are a little community that ranges from trailer homes to mansions - Billy Gibens of ZZ Top has a home just down the road a little ways south- the roads there are flooded, don't know about his home...there are many many young familes - on any given "normal" day kids would be riding bikes, skateboarding, young moms with the "baby buggy bregade" walking. It's really a nice little community - no gated neighborhoods, just a sprinkling of all sorts of folks (the good the bad and the ugly).

So it does appear that the areas just north of us a few miles and just south of us a few miles are experencing at least street flooding. Our "cliff" in conjunction with our being on a "hill" between these other communities are keeping us dryer at the moment.

We still haven't experienced the outer bands yet. Seems Ike is getting a little stronger. Time to be praying harder "peace be still"

1 comment:

  1. Karen, I am so glad you and your family decided to evacuate. I grew up in Lake Jackson and when Hurricane Carla came through, even though I was a child, I still remember the smell and the terrible sights afterward. I've been watching CNN all day and I pray that everyone stays safe.

    Seeing pictures of Surfside beach, Galveston, Freeport, Clute and Houston bring back so many good memories and I hope that my old stomping grounds survive this terrible storm.

    I will keep you and everyone in Brazoria and Harris Counties in my prayers.

    Judy in MO


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