Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Time To Quilt

Gosh darn it. I'd written out a nice story for my blog on my home computer and thought I saved it to my flash drive so I could cut and paste to upload on my son's computer where he has internet access that I'm borrowing (we are still without internet and cable due to Ike). But alas and sigh...the prewritten document isn't on my flash drive - must have saved it somewhere else.. oh well....but I do have photos of some of the things I've been working on...I guess I'll save the fancy words for another time (smile).

Last week was my grandmother's 96th birthday. I'm late. Mailed this home-made pillow case to her today. She likes flags. Pixxie decided it was time to get back to her modeling job, and even though it's not a quilt, work is work, and the pay is the same (giggle).

I've also made some progress on my Dangling Carrot quilt...you'll have to check earlier posts concerning the story behind this. I will have a 5 x 7 layout when the blocks are complete (I'm about half way on adding the sashings to the side of the lime green square in the squares) then I'll grow it with more borders to make it queen size. Wild huh?!?

The final border will be from the fabrics my online friends and local friends have shared with me - these are photographed  below - I put out a request for carrot fabric to legally name this "my dangling carrot" quilt -  and this was my bountiful blessings!



As you can see my carrot was broaden to include other veggies - why not?

Then I decided to purchase these fat quarters that included  fruits as well as veggies. The banana fabric had me singing "Yes, we have no bananas" - and that's all I could remember of that old old song... anyone out there know the tune I'm referring too?

My sister, who was with me during my fabric acquisition,  questioned my sanity when I purchased jelly bean fabric - my answer - life is short, eat dessert first! She then pointed out some cute fabric with cows on it and another with pigs - told me I needed some meat to complete my meal (grin). I'm still thinking on that one - who knows, may have to go shopping again!

Don't you just love this fabric? I can't wait to get to the final border to use these!! Thanks to my friends who shared, it was so much fun opening up the mail and finding such wonderful surprises. Who would have thought there was such a variety of prints available!

Stay tuned to see how this quilt changes as it is truly a work in progress, I'm making it up as I go along (grin)

And for the record, I'm "back to work" - having done a couple of customer quilts already and eager to do more. Slowly life is returning to normal for our household...but will be a new normal for all of us in this area effected by Ike.

more later!

1 comment:

  1. That carrot, or should we just say, Food quilt will be so cheerful and bright! But it might make you want to raid the refrigerator.

    Glad you are safe at home and life is returning to normal for you again.


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