Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pinup Girl

I just love turning over to a new page on the calendar! I love the fact that I have at least 30 days ahead of me that haven't been written on yet - and that I can close the chapter on the previous 30 days.

Yep, September is behind me. The good, the bad, and the ugly. All the woes, worries and wonders are tucked away in the history of my calendar page and my memory. Some things need to be forgotten, some things need to be let go of, some things need to be cherished...

And now its time to look forward. Forward to what a new month can bring - will there be lots of special times with my family? will there be plenty of hours to chat with friends? what sort of customer quilts will grace my frame this month? will I have time to work on my own creations? how many treats will Pixxie earn as my professional quilt model? gosh, and she wants to be paid for modeling with batting! give me a break (smile)

One day I think I'll make my own calendar with my favorite pinup girl, but for now I do enjoy the quilting calendar on my studio wall where I can gaze at a new and beautiful quilt for a whole month before the excitement of turning the page comes around again. Besides, I'd rather have Pixxie in person than just on my wall. She's so much fun to snuggle with while we watch an evening movie all cozy under one of my favorite quilts. That pup loves quilts!

Happy October everyone! and to my special Jewish friend and loyal reader (you know who you are!) Happy Rosh Hashanah! a time for a new year and a new beginning for all of us! Especially those affected by Ike and Wall Street. A new month, a new year....always something to look forward to! His mercy is new every morning!

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