Sunday, November 16, 2008

Kreativ Quilter Award

I’m sorta slow sometimes. I am just now acknowledging an honor bestowed upon me two months ago when I was surprised with a message from Susan Loftin of Sunrise Quilt Studio that I had been awarded the Kreativ Quilter Award for my blogging efforts. (click here to read original post) That was a few days post Hurricane Ike (actually a day after we returned home from our mandatory evacuation) and I really didn’t know what the award meant or what to do about it (smile). I read the “rules of the award” and knew this was both an honor and a challenge.

An honor because it proved that someone was actually reading my blog (imagine that) and a challenge because as a recipient I am to nominate 5 other bloggers for this award. Well, I was so new to blogging that I was clueless who else to nominate that hadn’t already received the award.

Time marches on. First of all let me give Susan another belated thanks and encourage you to check out her blog, Sunrise Quilt Studio – I enjoy her mix of quilting and beautiful photography – I think you’ll enjoy it to and want to add her to your favorites.

Next let me share with you the responsibility and challenge of being a Kreativ Quilter Award winner...

The rules of the award are:

1. The winner may put the logo on her blog.

2. Put a link to the person you got the award from in your blog.

3. Nominate 5 blogs.

4. Put links to the blogs.

5. Leave a message for your nominees.

Well, Susan shared that she read so many blogs that it was difficult to narrow down to only five…me? I spend so much time writing my own blog that I don’t get around blogville very often. Okay, not very humble, but true. I’m a rambler not a reader. (sigh) So I’ve been trying to shake my narcissism and take time to find and enjoy other bloggers. Hence my procrastination in the public acknowledgment of this prestigious award (smile). Oh a couple I’ve pegged right from the get-go, but five? well that took some thinkin’, especially since it had to be folks that hadn’t received the award before.

Drum roll please:

1. Muddling Through, Elaine is a long-time, at times long-distance , email friend even though she really lives just a few miles north of me in Houston. We met years ago when I hired her teenage daughters to work with us in the Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream booth at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo in 1999 and 2000. (That’s another story for the rambler, but right now this is about Elaine). She is the one who encouraged me to start a blog and helped me muddle through. Her blog is refreshing to read and I dearly love this sister in Christ – talk about a prayer partner! Elaine’s your gal. She cooks, she sews, she quilts, she experiences life with a positive attitude so therefore I award her this top honor of the Kreativ Quilter Award.

2. Minding My P’s and Q’s – Cathy is a longarm friend I met through an internet online discussion group for longarm quilters. She’s always been encouraging and supportive of me when I’d write in to “vent” or share a link to my photo album, we also share in common the fact that we dearly love Jamie Wallen as a longarm teacher (grin)… I was pleased to find she is a blogger and PDQ (pretty darn quick) started following her blog. By the way P is for painting and Q is for quilting. One day I’m going to twist her arm to come visit and teach me how to make a quilt from a photo of Pixxie. This lady is multi-talented and her blog is full of inspiring photos from her handiwork. Bookmark her blog and you'll see why I think she deserves the Kreativ Quilter Award.

3. Ginnys Quilts – I have found Ginny to be an amazing woman! We were connected via email through a mutual online friend who participated in both a piecing online group that Ginny was in as well as the longarm online group I was in. Ginny is the inspiration behind Quilts of Hope – Blankets of Love for the Hurricane Ike survivors. Besides being my hero (she and her daughter can whip out a charity quilt faster than I can type) she has some interesting tales on her blog, so take time to check things out. Love ya’ girlfriend! Thanks for being so inspiring in your gifts of generosity. A positive pick for the Kreativ Quilter Award, I just know you're going to agree!

4. Sue Garman – Sue is a local celebrity that I’ve had the privilege of getting to know a little better each year through guilds and classes. Her work is amazing and so over the top inspiring. I’d really like to just go home with her after guild one night and hope that an inklin’ of her talent would escape and attach to me. Sue produces beautiful patterns for piecing and appliqué as well as designs fabric. Oh and did I mention, she's also a longarm quilter! Talk about multi-talented. She’s a gifted teacher, a fabulous quilter, and an all around nice person. I think you’ll enjoy reading about her numerous projects and agree with me that she indeed deserves the Kreativ Quilter Award. Okay, maybe a little cheesy for someone who’s been on TV and such, but I think she’ll giggle when she gets this email – after all, she knows I’m a little quirky. All that aside Sue, you are a most creative quilter!!

5. Geta’s Quilting - Geta is a new blog acquaintance to me. She first emailed me because I had photographed a few of her quilts that were on display at the 2008 Houston International Festival Quilt Show and she was pleased to see them since she could not attend the show….she lives in Romania!! No wonder she wasn’t in attendance! I then found her blog and more information about her amazing shadow trapunto quilts that caught my eye at Festival. Technology enables me to read her blog in English! I can hardly wait until she has her patterns translated – I’m ready to purchase! Beautiful lady, beautiful quilts. Geta hope you enjoy this Kreativ Quilter Award because you certainly are creative!

So there you have it, I’m finally getting around to posting the coveted award logo on my blog and passing on the honors to these other creative ladies. Thank you Susan for bestowing this privilege to me. Be sure to visit her blog as well as the other ladies. Isn’t it amazing how we can connect and make friends as well as admire and be inspired by the works of others through this mind boggling media known as blogging!

Thanks for reading mine! As I’ve said before, a rambler needs an audience. My family thanks you too, it’s less they have to “hear” when I share through my keyboard with you (smile) I try to type pretty quietly!!


  1. Now aren't I the silly one! I've been awarding the Kreativ Quilter Award when the logo says Kreativ Blogger -- well, in my book it's both! The best bloggers are quilters don't ya think? The nominations are still valid! Way to go girlfriends!!

  2. What a nice surprise, Karen. Thank you for this honor !


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