Tuesday, November 18, 2008

More Quilts of Hope received

As we are fast approaching Thanksgiving my husband and I were sharing with our grown sons how thankful we are to have a roof over our head -- literally, even though there's still a blue tarp covering it as we await insurance settlements we know we are blessed, especially when many many folks in this area don't have a roof over their head - many still don't have a home to come home to due to the flooding and damage from Hurricane Ike. Our thankfulness includes those on various online lists and others who are sending Quilts of Hope and Blankets of Love for distribution in this hard hit area.

I just uploaded more photos in webshots of over 30 quilts received from Joy as a result of her sharing the need with her guild, Bits 'N Pieces in St Louis. A big thank you to these generous quilters.

There is still a need -- especially for larger quilts. It's okay if they have been gently used, wash'em up and pack'em up, we'll take them and give them to folks who will love and appreciate them.

Continue to pray for this area. We're starting to get our winter down here, know that's unbelievable to some of you folks -- but last week we were in the 80's and now the high is 60's. It gets cold at night, especially to us southerners, and a quilt would certainly go a long way to shield from the cold and offer a bit of hope -- hope that the future will be brighter because someone cared.

Thank you for continuing to read this ramble and support those in need.

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