Saturday, November 22, 2008

That Dangling Carrot!

Hum....anyone remember way back when (probably the end of August, first of September) when I shared that I was working on a personal project that I called a 'dangling carrot'? Well, if not, I'll enlighten you (smile).

It was after one of the hurricane scares (before the scary one known as Ike). I had packed up my studio to prepare for the storm and in doing so found these 4 patches in my stash of UFO's.

After the storm I decided that these 40 four patches ought to be a quilt, but I certainly didn't want to make hundreds more, that was too much trouble. Being a newly certified Square in a Square instructor I figured I needed the practice so why not turn those four patches into the center of a square in a square? why not indeed?

Many times I've made mention that I piece and/or quilt for myself on Sundays after worship services -- it's my day of rest or rather, my day of pleasure, working on something I enjoy while listening to praise and worship songs....well, during this time I was behind in my customer quilts due to all the evacuations and storm mess so I found myself with a customer quilt still on the frame on a Sunday afternoon. Oh how I wanted to work on my own project! Alas, I came to a compromise...I worked a little on the customer quilt, then I'd set the timer and work a little on my own...I called it my 'dangling carrot' because knowing that I could take a break soon from the customer quilt kept me focused on finishing the task at hand. I joked and shared online that I ought to add some carrot fabric so I could legally call the quilt when it was finished My dangling carrot. And the rest is history!

Jeanne from All Things Quilty was quick to respond that she had some carrot fabric..and the next thing I knew it several of my online and local friends were sharing 5 inch squares of carrot fabric...well as it turned out my online friend Dawn, of Pajama Quilter fame, said she had then things turned to veggies! I did purchase some carrot fabric to add to the excitement and I hope continuity of the quilt....

Okay, the above photo is just a teaser....I've got the 88 x 111 quilt on the frame and have started out with my signature butterfly. As you can tell it's going to be WILD! Another messy masterpiece in the works so stay tuned....Sunday is coming!!!

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