Sunday, March 15, 2009

All good things must come to an end

It's the end of the Dallas Quilt's one of our demo quilts -- unfortunately that's the only picture I think I took of Stewart -- see his feet? that puts the quilt in perspective -- It was huge! Look midway where there is some blue thread to the left and golden to the right -- that area was overquilted and overquilted! I was running out of top fabric and didn't want to have to take time to add on until the end of the day -- talk about dense quilting! If I hadn't of been ultra conservative I do believe we would have had twice the lenghth. You can see where the fabric changes colors, that's the add on for today, a slightly different black wide back fabric. And I neglected to mention, this was "times two" as we did have two tables there running four heads. Lots of quilting going on in the A-1 booth!! Many many repeat patrons as they were test driving all the machines at the show and kept coming back to the A-1! Naturally.

Someone once asked what we do with the show demo quilts. That's a good question. Many quilters themselves donate their practice pieces to the local humane society, occasionally we do too as we've rotated through them. The majority of the quilts are used to wrap the quilting machine heads, carriages and tables for transit. After a few road trips it's time to add a new one (more fluffier I guess). I always enjoy looking over the quilting -- so many creative doodlers! I always wonder if the puppies appreciate the quilts as much as my Pixxie does.

I didn't take photos of the tear down -- it's just a reverse of set up and I figured I've documented that enough (smile).

We are staying an extra night so we can do a little fabric shopping of our own tomorrow -- decided to celebrate at a local stir fry grill -- thought you'd enjoy a photo of that experience.

Once again I want to say how much I enjoyed meeting some of my online quilting friends, I am so sorry I didn't get photos of us all, it's much easier to remember your name when I have a face (smile). Next time we meet you'll have to jog my brain, but I know I'll be ready to give you a big hug!

Thanks Dallas for a grand time, we'll be back -- and soon to set up machines!!


  1. Thanks for your coverage of what you saw at the Quilt Celebration. Did you sell any machines?

  2. Thanks for the updates, I've really enjoyed seeing the other side of shows. Your enthusiasm and passion really shone through. must make a mental note to do more trying at our Festival of Quilts this year! Safe journey home :o)


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