Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I'm going to the Big D and I DO mean Dallas!!

Heading north today, straight up good ole I45 whose claim to fame is being continually 'under construction' for over 20+ years! At least as long as I can remember there's been a section (or two) being improved upon...oh well, such is life in the big city. I think they call this 'job security' for the highway department (grin).

So why the road trip?? A Quilt Show of course!!
The Dallas Quilt Celebration 2009 This will be my first time attending what is suppose to be one of the largest guild shows in Texas boasting of over 10,000 attendees, several hundred quilts as well as about 150 vendors, and guess what! I'm one of them (grin).

While the show doesn't start until this weekend vendor set up is Thursday. I will be in the A-1 Quilt Machine booth (numbers #58,59,60) demonstrating the smoothest longarm quilting machine on the market!

The company president is bringing the machines, but I've packed up the 'decorations'

The suitcases contain quilts to be hung on the wall, draped in baskets or on the quilt rack. I haven't even packed my clothing yet (sigh) or my laptop, so add a little more to the mix.

Several of my local longarm friends are making the trip and promise to come hang out in the booth. If it's anything like my open houses in the past, we're going to be one fun booth and hope others will come hang out with us too.

I'm blessed to have a good longarm friend actually chauffeur me to Dallas and work the booth with me. We are hoping to do a little fabric shopping while in the Big D. I've tried to pack light so we have room to bring things home!

If you are in Dallas this weekend please come by and say howdy. I'll try to post photos of our experience.

Look out Dallas the A-team is comin' your way!!!


  1. I wish I could stop by to see you, but I am too far from you (in PA).

    Have fun at the show!
    Looking forward to some pictures and goodies you will get!


  2. OH Karen! NOW you have given me an earworm for the morning! You know I will be singing that song this morning as I quilt, and won't be able to get it out of my mind. Guess I'll need to crank the praise music up extra loud today to get the Big D song evicted.

    Have a great time at the show. And please post pictures of what you find to buy... I'm always interested in what is out there!



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