Friday, March 13, 2009

It's a cold wet Friday - nothing better than a quilt show to chase away the blahs!!

Quilt Rambler here, reporting in from Dallas (grin) Oh my gosh! There are some of the most beautiful quilts here. Last night was "preview night" for the guild members and they invited the vendors to attend! A time for them to celebrate together on the fabulous show and the spectacular winners!

This particular quilt caught my eye because I love stars and I'm really getting into medallion quilts. Happens that I met the ladies who pieced this quilt today when they visited my booth and they gave me permission to publish the photos. They promised to send me information on contacting them since this is a raffle quilt... so stay tuned!

The show didn't officially open until 10 AM this morning -- but being the eager vendor that I am I came in at 7:30 -- they opened the door to vendors at 7 AM. I really didn't need to be there that early but I sorta just wanted to be in the zone before the masses. I piddled around a little making sure I had everything where I wanted it. (see those documented photos below) Then I played.

someone asked me if I left anything at home (grin) yes, bare walls!

I had four machines to play with! Each with a different wonderful color of Rainbows thread! I had my iPod filled with my favorite praise and worship music so I was really in the zone -- think of it as a 'quiet time with God' only with music! Very refreshing. I'm sure I looked funny to the other vendors walking by, and I'm sure there were times I was humming -- I just hope I wasn't singing!! The Bible says make a joyful noise unto the Lord...I like to say and 'not unto man' because if my singing had to be joyful to my fellow man then I fall very short of the mark! (grin).

Anyway, it was most enjoyable and the time past very quickly -- but I was ready! Loved it when the quilt show chairperson announced over the loud speaker that our patrons, who had been waiting patiently at the door, were now being admitted. Kinda wished I'd thought of being at the door to see the entrance -- I imagine sorta like the starting gates at the Kentucky Derby! Show me the quilts!! And on to the vendors!!

It was such a pleasure to get to talk to so many people today. My greatest joy was meeting ladies in person that "know me" from online lists or my blog. Thank you thank you for coming by to say hi! Quilters are such wonderful people!

This is my friend Sarah, I think she's pointing out our favorite poster child (Jamie Wallen) and telling this quilter of my dealer special which includes a free workshop this summer with Jamie in my studio. Sarah has been a real blessing. Not only did she chaufeer me to Dallas but she's helped with the set up and working the booth. With four machines on two tables it took the both of us to be able to share what makes an A-1 an A-1 (grin). I just love it when people sit down to the machine and are so amazed at how smooth it is, how quiet, and how it doesn't vibrate. We invite everyone to sit down and play...One lady said, 'oh no, because I could never purchase one I don't have the room' and I laughed and said "I didn't ask you to take one home, I asked you to sit down and dance with my machine." She did and hundreds like her. That's what the shows are all about, window shopping and playing. Quilting is all about the fun, don't you agree?

Speaking of fun -- anyone recognize these faces?

If you've been following the chronicles of this quilt rambler you'll recognize this fun bunch -- there are several photos of us at the Houston show. These gals are great! And true pals too! In the first photo to the far right is Dee and in the second photo to the far left is Cindy. They noticed that I was getting a little tongue tied as I was demo-ing the machines and thoughtfully asked if I'd had lunch yet - to which I replied, is it noon already? To my surprise it was 1:45 PM a long way from that 6 AM light breakfast. Since the booth was busy I didn't want to leave Sarah alone so they said they take a break from their shopping frenzy and let me take a lunch break. Love you gals!!

So this is what I saw walking to the vendor break room.

This is the patron lunch room -- reminded me of a small scale Houston Festival. I was very very thankful that the quilt show hosts the vendors in our own lounge -- no waiting in line. And ya'know what, these fabulous ladies even serve us lunch! Yesterday it was a turkey sandwich, today it was peanut butter and jelly (0nly I chose honey) and tomorrow is suppose to be ham and cheese. Oh, and they have fresh fruit. Are we spoiled or what! This is by far the best guild show I have ever attended, as a vendor or as a patron. Top notch -- way to go Dallas!

I thought I'd sneak another booth shot upon my return. Look closely near the Pam Clark poster and you can see Dee standing almost in front of Pam's photo -- I'm going to have to tease her about wanting to be a poster child (grin)

All too soon it was 6 PM and time to close up shop. I'm thankful that the vendors were able to view the quilts early -- I'm afraid we're so busy in the booth that I probably wouldn't have been able to enjoy them otherwise. I have met my 'neighbors' and did a little window shopping of my own. There's so much to see here, and I'm sure folks enjoy having the show for multiple days so that they can really take it all in.

I tell ya', there's nothing like a good quilt show to lift your spirits! And for me, there's the added joy of meeting so many people and sharing with them my passion for quilting, specifically quilting on a A-1.

Stay tuned my friends. It's only Friday! More to come!!

1 comment:

  1. Karen - you are so right - there is nothing like a quilt show to lift your spirits! They are truly my "happy place". And, I am so grateful I got to attend the Quilt Fest of NJ last week and next month I'm heading to MQX for 3 days - pure bliss! Thanks so much for sharing this show with us!


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