Sunday, April 12, 2009

29 and holding

The ole gray mare just ain't what she used to be -- but she knows how to hold on to her fellow!

Yes, today we not only celebrate our Risen Savior on Resurrection Sunday, but we also celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary.

We certainly don't look the same, but we feel the same! At least we feel the same about each other!

Thought I'd share a few photos from the OLD family album...

Here we are on our wedding day, 4.12.80 We were married in Texas and within three months made our big move to Tennessee.

Our anniversary does fall near Easter -- here we are Easter 1985 celebrating 5 years together and the birth of Son #1 outside our home in Tennessee.

In 1988 we added Son #2, also Tennessee born and bred.

This is our little family at our 10 year mark 1990

15 years 1995
2000 -- 20 years was celebrated at the Talladega Superspeedway
during our time as "modern day gypsies"
when we lived in an RV with the boys and worked on the road
at national special events.

By 2005, our 25th Anniversary, we were no longer displaced Tennesseans, we gave up the RV to settle back in our home state of Texas.

Seems like yesterday when I took this photo on our honeymoon
in Cozumel

And now, it's 29! Wow! We've only just begun!
Many more beautiful sunrises and sunsets to share
together, forever!


  1. Happy Anniversary! You guys are just too cute. It's good to hold on to a good thing.

  2. Congratulations! Loved your pictures.

  3. Wow! Big huge congratulations! you both make a lovely couple and a nice family as well!

  4. Dear Karen - happy anniversary! Thank you so much for sharing the pictures - how beautiful!!

  5. Happy Anniversary!

    I love all the pictures! Beatifull story! Looking at old pictures reminds me how people are the same no matter where you live. It reminds me of my parents pictures. I grow up in Bulgaria.

    Have many beautiful sunsets together with your love one!

  6. Happy Anniversary! What a great trip down memory lane with the pictures!

  7. Congratulations, Karen, you have a wonderful family.


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