Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Quilts for Ike - finally home

Back in the fall many many many quilters from all over the states send quilts in my care to distribute to people effected by Hurricane Ike (9/11/08). As the quilts came in I did my best to document them with photos and put on my webshots as well as place a label on the quilt of the maker and their address in the event the recipient would like to send a thank you, or at least be blessed knowing that someone somewhere cared enough to make a quilt and send to them.

Many were given out at a church in San Leon, an area in Galveston county right on the bay that had an average of 10 feet of water. Many more were given out in an area a little up the road between Seabrook and LaPorte where an entire neighborhood is just now getting to return home. Several were given to individuals that I know in the community and a few more have been waiting for a good home patiently reminding me of their presence as they have been sitting on a pew in my living room....

Today the quilts are finding a home. I had two child size ones, two lap size ones, and this large king size one that somehow missed out on being labeled. I have no idea of the generous quilter who sent this back around Thanksgiving. I remember receiving it and thinking how unselfish this person had to be to donate so much time and labor for a complete stranger effected by a natural disaster.

Well, my friend, whomever you are, rest assured that your reward will be in heaven for this act of kindness AND I want you to know that your quilt is blessing a 67 yr old pastor from San Leon who's church was lost during the storm yet was very instrumental in being a place of refuge for the community -- to this day they still give out food and assist those who have literally become homeless due to Ike. Every week we drive through the area to see more and more lots just totally cleared off of any sign of previous inhibition. It's sobering. Yet in this great darkness for our area this pastor and his little church have been a lighthouse. Many many have come to know the Savior due to the devastation of Hurricane Ike -- the church is growing in attendance and is offering a weekly "New Christians" class which my husband's parents are coming from an ajoining community to facilitate -- it is through them and their getting to know people in need that I have relinquished the last of the Quilts of Hope for distribution, asking them to reserve this large beautiful quilt for the pastor who has been a faithful servant.

The chapter is finished for me as far as distributing quilts, but the story doesn't end here. Many people are still out of their homes, many more haven't even settled with insurance IF they had it. The battles are long and hard. Many more were flooded again this week with the terrible rains. Just a reminder that life is hard, but God is good. He uses the simple things like weather and even a shared quilt to offer hope and draw folks to Him.

Thank you to all that sent their precious creations so unselfishly. I am sorry that I haven't contacted each of you personally....sometimes the best intentions go unfinished. Just know that your unselfish gift is still giving and I have appreciated being a part of this.


  1. Karen,
    It was my honor and joy for Torrie and I to be able to send you Blankets of Love for all of the people affected by Ike.
    I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking charge of all of the quilts and finding them a home. With your busy schedule I know this was not easy! You are such a wonderful person for doing this.
    Thank you so much.

  2. What a wonderful and inspirational thing for you to do...the king size quilt story made me smile through tears. What a beautiful quilt and a huge high five, pat on the back and gigantic hug to the person who made that beautiful quilt. The power of the human spirit is amazing.


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