Thursday, April 23, 2009

Zippered Bags

Tonight we are celebrating my sister-in-law's birthday...and I needed a gift...well, since I've made a couple of tote bags this past month or so I've sorta been in the "bag mode" and recently while catching up on some reading I was inspired by Laurie's story (Stone-belle) on reducing her stash of zippers by making little zippered bags. You can read about it here and do a search for zippers so you can see all her creations.

Well, Laurie is "local" and offered to let me come play in her zipper stash but alas, there's just been so much to do this week that I haven't ventured out. Not to be undaunted, I called another friend, Kay, who is known to be a source for just about anything you need or don't even know you need. I knew she frequented thrift store, estate sales, and all sorts of treasure hunting adventures so I called her and asked if she would be on the look out for a fire sale on zippers for me. She did better than that, yesterday she showed up on my doorstep with her zipper stash!

I found two that I needed for today's project and she's given me permission to use whatever I need. I'm not going to count her stash but Laurie, I think she's got you beat in your count of 70+ zippers on hand -- however, you are hands down the winner in reducing your stash and making beautiful zippered pouches. I'm still wanting to make more and will revisit your posts for more inspiration.

By the way, the bags are an adaption from The Scrappy Cosmetic Bags -- one is almost the size of their Traveler it's tall enough to hold a water bottle inside - that's what's helping it stand for the photo shot and the other is the Weekender. Only difference, theirs are actually pieced, I cheated with a beautiful beach stripe from P&B -- gotta work on my fabric stash ya'know!

I'm thinking that Traveler would be a good size to add some shoulder straps and perhaps a pocket on the inside for a quick goin'to market bag...who knows...but for now, it's time to get ready for the birthday party! I hope she likes the little's that dorkey homemade look that is coming back in style! At least I hope that's so!

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