Monday, May 18, 2009

30 Minutes to Sew

My hubby calls me when he leaves work "on my way home darlin'" and I know I have about 30 minutes, give or take depending upon traffic, before Pixxie and I greet him at the door -- Pixxie gets a treat and I get a kiss (grin).

Well, today I was at a stopping point on a customer quilt and decided that I should take those 30 minutes for myself! Why not, close of business for me too right?

Earlier this year I purchased these really neat project boxes and actually counted how many UFO's I had, or as I now call them "projects started". I've seriously been wanting to finish them, but seems this past month or two I haven't had too many Sunday afternoons to call my own, and when I have I've wanted a little more instant gratification than working on a UFO -- in other words, I've been doing quick scrappy quilts that could be pieced in a day...or two. New projects not finishing old ones GASP!

The past couple of Sundays I've been working on this project, trying to finish up some fabric leftover from the whirlwind quilt I made earlier in the year. No, it wasn't a part of my UFO countdown, but I couldn't resist. I needed to work with something fresh.

So I pieced the blocks all one day and actually left them like this on the floor of my studio until this Sunday when I sewed the blocks together and added borders, pieced the back, cut out the binding and put it in the "quilts in waiting category". I couldn't believe I left them out all week, even having customers step over the mess when they came...but I had struggled too long with the layout that I wasn't going to take the risk of messing it up.

Okay, so fast forward to today. 3o minutes. Hum. I do have a 'project started' that has all the blocks complete, why not lay them on the floor and each day at close of business spend those 30 minutes working on it? Why not indeed. In a matter of day I might make a small dent that would speed things up on Sunday afternoons, my day off, where I could really then begin to see some progress.

So, that's what I did -- and of course Pixxie had to get into the act of my 'documentation' for my blog! Hum...the only flaw I have in this is that I'm finding the older the UFO is the worst my piecing was! I'm just going to have to live with it, tell the quilt police to go home, I'm wanting finished because finished is good!

I'm making my way to the finish line thirty minutes at a time!


  1. I had to leave blocks on my design floor for a time too but it was in my living room and I ended up taking pictures to help me remember. I am sure none of your customers thought anything of it; quilters share the same habits.

  2. What a great idea, Karen! You'll have something to look forward to and you will really make a dent in those UFOs with those 30 minutes. I'm finishing up projects from many years ago too - and let's just say I've come a long way in the piecing department-LOL!!

  3. That is a great idea!
    Keep on sewing 30 min a day, I am sure you will get a lot accomplish!

    Happy sewing!


  4. Lovely work, I particularly like the feather you've got on the masthead of your blog.
    Thanks for visiting mine,


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