Monday, July 27, 2009

July Retreat

All too soon it's over. Isn't that just the way it goes, you look forward to something, you plan, you pack, and then it's over. Ah, but the memories live on -- and are documented forever in photos! If you want to see ALL the fun including photos of our wonderful facilities you'll need to visit my webshots.

And now for The rest of the story!

Trish (cute little blond front row second from the left) and I headed north to meet Cindy (Miss Smiles, the one in the pink far left) for a shop hop prior to our retreat on Friday morning. We breezed through downtown Houston and actually arrived earlier than expected, which was great because we hit Timed Treasures just about the time they opened. After a nice shopping spree we headed to another quilt shop that is new to the area, Quilt Works in Cypress. They are so new that that don't have a website. For the record I managed to NOT purchase anything in either shop. Amazing! Not that I wasn't tempted, mind you, but I was focused on my unfinished projects packed in the back of my new car and was eager to get to the retreat center!

We got lost somewhere between the second shop and our retreat center. Hum. I think I'm going to ask for a GPS for Christmas! Arriving about an hour after we could have checked in at noon, we quickly unloaded our sewing machines and projects and joined the 4 ladies that 'got there first'!

Quilter's Cabin is really peaceful and wonderful retreat center. Everyone loved it. We laughed, we ate, we sewed, we listen to music as we sewed, we talked as we sewed, we enjoyed seeing each others projects as we sewed, and did I mention that we sewed?

Most of us bring several different projects to work on, some are already started and we hope to get them completed during the course of the weekend. Others are started there...Donna decided since this was her first retreat to make a small autograph quilt which we all signed so she'll now have a memory quilt to hang in her sewing room. This was an impromptu Square in a Square lesson where I taught her how to do the diamonds. Yep, fast, fun, finished!

Kris brought a work in progress and was able to complete the blocks, add borders and later add applique flowers to the top.

I had high hopes...wanted to finish my purple and lime green project and hoped to move on to another one. It took longer than I thought, but I did get all the blocks together. Now I just need to add borders to call it done. By the way, the blue project that I brought, I did pull it out the last day but decided that I really didn't want to work on it, now or ever. A little friendly bartering and my UFO went home with someone else! How's that for checking one off the to do list!

Annette was able to sew all the blocks and complete her flannel quilt that has been sitting on a shelf for several years, she's looking forward to having it quilted and being able to cuddle with it this fall.

The "grand finale" was demo-ing the fabric bowl technique I learned from Jamie Wallen (The DVD has just been released!!) I think I've pre-sold some DVD's for my friend Jamie and his partner Roseanne! This little bowl matches my bathroom rug and looks great on the back of the throne holding "the spray" (grin)

Yep, all too soon it was time to pack up and reload the car. As we had almost cleared out the sewing room when Trish noticed someone carrying out their pillow and said "Oh, I have clothes!" then hurried to the bedroom to pack up her personal belongings! Funny how to a quilter the most important things on your mind is your sewing machine and fabric!

I'm thankful for the friends that joined me to celebrate my birthday with a sewing retreat. We had a great time! Again, for all the photos visit my webshots!

PS I forgot to say "for the record" I turned out the lights at 3 AM each night, AND I hold the record for sewing the longest WITHOUT a bobbin -- eight and a half blocks!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you girls are having FUN!

    Great projects!

    Happy sewing!

    Zlaty :)


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