Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bad Use of a Longarm

Please don't tell the quilt police. I couldn't help it. Had to find a piece of paper today and the piles were just so high and in so many rooms that I all I could do was resort to this treason.

Longarm tables make very good sorting tables.

I truly try to be organized and have a place for everything. I try to handle the mail when it comes in - you know, sort the junk and toss it, but then I make piles of things that I'd like to read later, bills, and things I need to respond to. Thankfully the bills do get paid on time, but it's the stuff that I either need to respond to or need to file that find themselves in the "to be filed" pile. SIGH!

Sometimes all I can do is stop and regroup. Once that's done I'm a happy camper and can carry on (grin). At least this job was close to my laundry room and I managed to do ALL my laundry in one day AND all but one load is folded and put up...not bad for a working-non-quilting day.

I'd rather be quilting...


  1. Oh, I have used my LA that way, too. There is just too much room there to not use it as a sorting table. I was really glad to see I wasn't the only one.

  2. Multi-purpose, it's all the rave!

  3. I have done that too...I hope you got the papers out of the way so you can get back quilting again!

  4. Dear KO,
    I think we must be twins (but obviously NOT identical in looks) separated at birth! I'm not so bad now that my office and quilt room are separated by the length of the house, but before...
    Now that task is done, you can go have a wonderful, quilty day!

  5. LOL! Glad to know I'm not the only one who uses the LA for sorting!


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