Monday, September 21, 2009

Taking Care of Business

I normally don't post photos of a customer quilt until the customer has picked it up .... but I just had to share this with ya'll (grin)

Yep, I'm still taking care of business. Being out of town two weeks in a row has certainly cut into my quilting time, but I worked until 11 PM last night and then finished this beauty up today and like I said, I just had to share.

I love what I do. I love seeing the creativity of others. I love being able to add to that with my creativity in the stitchin. It's like two artists working on one canvas. Hum, I guess that's really what it is!

My camera doesn't always give true colors, especially when I photograph in the evenings...but hey, I hang'em as I finish'em, don't clock in or out by the sun! This quilt is a beautiful shade of purple -- and you KNOW how much I love purple. Then when you add lime green...well, I couldn't ask for anything better! Ah, but I got it! My customer wanted me to quilt using hot pink thread -- another one of my favorites!!

Ya'know, more times than not I'm really wishing I could keep all the quilts that I get to work on. I know that would be silly, I certainly have enough of my own (some unfinished of course, but still lots of potential). I don't know. I guess there's really just a little part of me in a time, my thoughts, my thread play...quilting gets personal ya'know. For me it's not about get'em in and get'em out. It's a part of my life, my time, and I guess if you think about it, my limited time here on earth....for we don't know really how long we have...I love what my friend Jamie Wallen says about quilting for hire (and in his case teaching and producing DVD's) "it's how I pay my rent here on earth" -- that translates, for me at least, that I don't quilt just for money, it's bigger than that, but I do need to make a living (grin).

Anyway...I'm just so grateful that I am able to do what I love and I hope help people accomplish their goals of a finished be used as intended....again, to borrow a cliche, it's not a quilt until its quilted!

So take a moment to look at the close ups so you can see the hot pink thread (maybe if you click on the photo it will be bigger...not sure about that but it's worth a try). Oh, and be sure and look at the photo taken from the back, I always love to look at the back - kinda my report card...

I hope my customer thinks I've passed (grin) if not I certainly wouldn't mind keeping this quilt!!


  1. I love your feathers, they fill this quilt perfectly. I hope when I grow up in my quilting I can be just like you. lol

  2. Beautiful! (as usual). I know she will LOVE it!

  3. I love how you've quilted it! I love those colors too. Yummy!

  4. Those feathers are just beautiful. Hope my feathers will look that beautiful one day.

  5. wow I love that quilt! It has great colors and you did great quilting!

    Happy sewing!


  6. Beautifully feathered! And the hot pink thread is perfect.


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