Saturday, November 21, 2009

What makes me smile

It's been a long couple of weeks since I've last blogged. I've wanted to, really I have...just not enough hours in my day....have had some really cool things going on that I'd love to share about in more detail....touring a batting company (lots of photos), visiting with two of my long distance quilting buds and seeing their studios, going with hubby to the Texas Motor Speedway for a NASCAR race, and working on some incredibly beautiful customer quilts (including some that took an incredible amount of time to complete). But alas, as I posted on my FaceBook status "put a fork in me, I'm done"

Tis the season to be frazzled, worn out, ready to scream, to throw in the towel, to say I'm too tired to even think about the holidays....Tis the season for an attitude check!

Last Sunday we had a special guest speaker who spoke on Jeremiah 18's passage, the Potter and the clay, with a very hands on visual of actually having a potter's wheel and throwing pots as he spoke. There's so much to learn from this passage and from the knowledge shared by our visiting thing that came back to me last night when I was upset over something (and not handling the resulting pressure very well ) was the reality that I was now a cracked pot. I'd messed up. My attitude certainly wasn't something to be proud of....

I was reminded that sometimes it takes brokenness so that the Master Potter can put us back on the wheel and mold us into something useful. I was also reminded that the molding process is caused by pressure on the clay...something we all don't like (or at least I don't) and I'm trying to realize that the pressure and trials I'm going through right now are all working for my good....I just have to stay on The Potter's wheel and trust that He is using these things to shape me into what He wants me to be.

Right now, true confessions, I've jumped off the wheel and said I've had enough, I can't take this, my feelings are hurt, I'm tired, I want to quit, I want to give up, say 'no more!'...thankfully my heavenly Father is patient and merciful. I'm repenting. Ready to rest in Him and trust that He will give me the strength I need for the coming days....


  1. Amen! Sometimes it helps to just say I Give Up. I find that's a great place to start. We live near Bristol Motor Speedway. I enjoyed races very much as a kid. They've gotten a lot busier than they were then though.

  2. We used to live near the Bristol Motor Speedway, for almost 20 years (1980-1999). Loved going to the races! Small world!

  3. Sometime you've just got to stop the bus and take a walk instead. Hope you manage to rest and clear your head soon. Be gentle on yourself :o)

  4. It's tough sometimes to admit we're just as human as the next guy - especially publicly like you just did. But we all are. We all make mistakes, and like the song says, "we fall down. We get up". That's the main thing. Keep getting up!
    Love you,

    (Hah! The verification word for me to type in is "matter".)

  5. SIGH..... I'm there, too. I keep reminding myself that this "lots of work" is a blessing of the Lord. It will get done, so I'm not going to stress over it, but thanking Him for the blessing. Keep looking up! Kat

  6. Happy Thanksgiving, Karen.


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