Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Extended Lunch - taking advantage of the sunshine

If you've been following my blog then you know how much I love going to Galveston. Since Hurricane Ike those visits have been few and far between, at least the day time visits when I have time to walk on the seawall - as I do go to the Island Quilters Guild evening meetings as much as possible.

Well, today was just too nice of a day to stay inside - I was tempted by the offer of an "extended lunch" and I was most eager to head south.

It's always fun to see the positive changes each time I visit the island post Ike. Today was no exception. After a wonderful lunch at The Spot it was time to walk the seawall.

The building behind me was totally washed away with Ike, I blogged about it a month after Ike, you can click here if you want to read about it. Hope. Today was the first time we've been to the Island since the gift shop has reopened. How do you like my new hat?

The Flagship Hotel, above, is still in a state of ruin. But even that couldn't put a damper on the beautiful day and how much I enjoyed being outside. So many memories in Galveston, it's a great escape and I love anytime I get to go there.

Now for those of you who think I play too much and don't get enough work in those "work hours" I'll have you know that I "doodled" some designs on my paper towel (The Spot's version of a napkin) while waiting for my lunch!

Who knows, might make some nice background fill in the next quilt. Hum....aren't most brilliant ideas first sketched out on napkins? (grin)

All too soon my extended lunch break was over and it was time to head back to the studio....I noticed that my thread catching cup was overflowing and figured that was a good excuse to go outside again for a minute....

See, I like to put my threads out for the birds. I somehow dream of them eagerly picking out their favorite color to line their nests. Alas, I've never seen any threads in nests, haven't even seen the nests...

But my offering is out there spread out on the burn pile so as not to clog up the lawn mower like I sometimes clog up my vacuum cleaner. Whether the wind blows it or the birds indeed find a treasure I may never know...

Back to work...have a beautiful colorful quilt on my frame that is as bright as the mood I'm today.

Gotta love what I do! Freedom to work, play, enjoy - who could ask for more!


  1. Sounds like a perfect day! Glad you could do it. :)

  2. love the beach. wish I was there, oh, I was at Nags Head Friday. freezing cold and raining. burrrr.

  3. I think you need a bird feeder near the thread offerings, Karen. I have been dumping my threads
    near our compost pile, and though like you I have never seen any thready nests, there does appear to be
    less thread...


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