Monday, October 25, 2010

Pixxie is Famous

My sweet little forever pup has her photo in the November 2010 issue of Machine Quilting Unlimited.

That's right, Pixxie the Professional Quilt Model has been moonlighting as a Professional Batting Model for Legacy Pellon, how be it, just in my living room... but all those late night photo shoots have finally paid off (grin) and her photo is in print!

Seriously, I'm on cloud nine today as I received in the mail the November issue of Machine Quilting Unlimited which contains my article on What to Do With Left-Over Batting Scraps.

If you are a machine quilter, either with your domestic (home) sewing machine or any form of short-arm/mid-arm/longarm quilting machine you really really need to subscribe to this magazine - and not so you can have your own photo of Pixxie, but because it's a fabulous magazine.

Vicki Anderson does a fantastic job of covering the quilting scene - sacrificing to go to as many quilt shows as she can to give us the inside scoop - including "down under" when she recently went to the Australian Machine Quilt Festival (wish I could have been her bag lady, I would have gladly carried the luggage to be able to go!)

Okay, so besides being some what jealous (in a good sort of way) concerning Vicki's travel adventures, I really do love this magazine and have subscribed for years. I love seeing the award winning quilts, I enjoy the articles - especially the ones with regular columnist Kimmy Brunner; and I always come away inspired. This month's cover quilt and feature quilter is Lisa Calle - oh my, do I drool over her quilts and have loved her DVD Feathers of a New Generation. Of course, I love it that she quilts on the same machine I do, an A1 Quilting Machine. Anyway, there's lots and lots of eye candy and inspiring articles in this November issue so if you don't already subscribe contact them and tell them you want the November issue!

Oh, and did I mention that Vicki is generous? When she read on a longarm list that I was putting together a gift basket for my A1 Quilting Machine booth at the upcoming Houston International Quilt Festival she was one of the first to respond and offered a full year gift certificate for Machine Quilting Unlimited to the winner of the drawing! (More on all this in a day or two about the upcoming show and other generous sponsors - so stay tuned)

Okay, so there's my unsolicited commentary and endorsement for Vicki's wonderful magazine, the one that I will never let my subscription expire! And the one who made my puppy famous (grin).

Oh my, I need to get a bigger box of doggie treats, all this fame has gone to Pixxie's head and she's demanded an increase in salary!


  1. Congratulations to Pixxie, what a great picture! And congrats to you on the published article--way to go.

  2. See, we knew it all the time. She's a natural!

  3. Perhaps I can get Pixxie (and YOU) to autograph my copy while I am down that way?? Now if it will just HURRY UP AND GET HERE!!


  4. NOt fair! My issue hasn't come yet. I love reading it and keep going back to old issues.

  5. True confessions Laurie - Vickie put my issue in a priority envelope - I guess she knew how special it would be to me and that I couldn't wait on the regular mail which can be slow the way, check out their website, seems they have been upgraded to the way the circulation is handled by the PO and we should start getting the magazine sooner from here on out!

  6. It's about time she went national! Pixxie looks great - and she matches the batting - LOLOL! Can't wait to get my issue. I'll show it to my Lilly. o:)

  7. My copy arrive yesterday. Great pics of Pixie and great article too.

    Been a subscriber for many years now. Great read and very helpful.

    Shari in AZ

  8. can't wait to see!! did Joy the kitty make the cut??


    I've been asked to share the article - there is a PDF version on my website.


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