Saturday, June 25, 2011

Tour My Studio!

Welcome to Quilts 'N Kaboodle, my name is Karen and I'm going to be your friendly tour guide (grin)

It's been a little over two months since my remodeling began...and finally, tonight I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and honey, it's NOT a train!

I may be a little premature in showing off, as there are still items that need to be done...but as with most things it's a work in progress...and I just need to share the progress!

So take a little trip, take a little trip, take a little trip with me...(did ya' sing that with the Low Rider voice? - if not, go back and do that, we'll wait)

I'm starting this tour at the entrance to my studio instead of meeting you at the front door of my home. If you were a customer coming to drop off a quilt top to be quilted I would have met you at the front door, holding a wiggling Pixxie as she gets so excited when we have guests....she just thinks everyone comes to see her... But since the other areas of the house are still impassable I'm going to begin this tour at this location, the entrance to the studio off my living area.

OH! Interruption. A big thank you to my sister-in-law who came over to help me today. She certainly helped keep me on track and encouraged me. Interesting side note, she's a teacher, has been for a long time. Longer than she's been my as we were working together and I'd go from one side of the room to the other jumping from one thing to another I asked you think I'm ADD? .... I think I've just got a busy brain (grin) and get easily distracted. Anyway...walk with me through my studio and enjoy the ramble...

As you enter the studio and look to your left you will see the longarm side of the room (to the right is the sewing side, but hold on, that's later). Above is the view of my 10 foot A1 Quilting Machine - this is my new baby, the one I received just days before the remodeling began...

The white cabinets are pretty much full of thread, except the first one with doors - that's full of prepackaged batting. How do you like my wall cabinet? I've always wanted an antique pie safe, the kind with the pretty glass doors. I have thought that would be way cool to house my quilts all neatly folded up showing off their colors....well, that dream has never materialized, besides I really don't have the floor space - so this cabinet is my reality, and I love it!

It was so much fun folding my quilts and adding little fun things to the shelves. The top shelf in the bottom picture has a big Polly and Ester quilt my grandmother made. Sitting next to it is a stuffed bear that I made her, and he's sitting on a little quilt I made for her with the same fabric - the label says " To the best quilter in the world, this is my first machine quilted quilt" I did it on my domestic in 1997.

Part of the reasoning for enlarging the studio was my desire to have two longarms. The one on the left is the new 10 foot one and the one on the right is old faithful, my 12 foot table. In the middle is Pixxie (grin) asleep on my sleeper sofa.

These photos were taken about 10 PM, Pixxie is so sleepy she can barely keep her eyes open. She worked really hard decorating too ya'know.

Okay, back to the tour...

I've shared this little corner before...

Here's a view of some things that cheer me...including the most fabulous tree frog in the rain screensaver...I want my very own tree frog, right here in the studio...the thoughts of simple things like this bring a smile to my face.

This is the sewing side of the room. I just love my new island - so much room for sew many creative fun stuff!.
Here's another view...the fun end piece on the island is actually a bulletin board of sorts - if I wanted to I could stick pins in it..had thought of using it for my schedule and cards perhaps, but then I decided I liked the lime bubbles too much to cover them up. Yes, this is a happy room and I am going to love sharing it.

Just another view....I can already tell that this area will probably stay cluttered with many creative projects...ah! but that's why I have it, room to work!

And yes, those are giant M&M's...they are tins that hold only dark chocolate M&M's - I'm on a strict diet.

Eventually I will have my sewing machine inserted in the cabinet .... or not... I might like it this way. I do love my A1 saddle stool, it will go high enough for me to sit at this 36" table and it's so comfortable to sew with as well as quilt at the longarm...

The ironing station is 3' x 4' - I covered a board with padding and a fun stripe fabric. Below is an inside peak of one of the cabinets - this is where I keep my Go!Cutter dies and my two Go Cutters (the original and the Go!Baby). Behind them are plastic shoe boxes with fabric shapes cut with the Go - instant scrap quilt waiting to happen.

Eventually there will be a storage unit added so I can move my freezer out as well as have a place for all my extra batting...right now things are a tad crowded, but I'm not complaining! I've gone from a 20 x 20 room to a 20 x 30 room and am loving it!

This Faith banner has been around a long time, like a faithful friend. It's only right that it continue to have a place in my life.

And here's the lime green door and the lime green laundry room. Again, a work in progress. The doors will eventually be covered to make a design wall and the surrounding wall will be covered in a tropical mural.

Here' a close up of my son's future masterpiece...

And if you look real close at the bottom you can see his sketches for the next phase... I can hardly wait!

Right next to the laundry room is this section that is actually to the right of the entrance door. This little area packs a big punch. The rod is for hanging completed quilts for photographing. Behind it I will have my TV mounted so I can watch all those cool quilting DVD's I've been collecting. Did I mention that I plan on having fun in this studio!

I played around with my camera and took a video with my rambles as the view changed around the room. It's totally unscripted and I have no way of editing. But if you've made it this far then perhaps you'd like to see a full 360 tour of my studio.

For grins you might want to check out views of how the studio has changed through the years. Visit my webshots and look for My Ever Changing Studio Album

Thanks for stopping by...ya'll come back now, ya'hear?


  1. I am green with envy - what a fun fun space! Enjoy!

  2. Karen, you guys have really done a wonderful job of creating a beautiful, functional studio that reflects your love of color and pattern. Can't wait to see Jake's finished work of art! I'm so happy for you!

  3. All I can say is wow! What a great space. I love the colors, a person just has to be happy in there.

  4. Wow, Karen! I love your studio!! I really have to get out more, there is such a thing as dark chocolate M&M's???? That's right up my alley! I'm getting some of those. I love your Faith banner. Is there a pattern for that? I'd love to know the name of it so I can research purchasing one.

    Thanks for all the pictures. Fantastic tour!

  5. I can't seem to locate my pattern for the Faith banner. I made it in 2002-2003. I remember that the author had several banners, Faith, Hope, Love, and I think Joy...among other stained glass look designs. If I find it I will post. I'm sorry...I might have donated it to a guild auction for all I mind isn't what it used to be Glad you enjoyed the tour.

  6. What a great studio! Makes me hanker to do some organizing in mine! Our daughters dog gets SO tired chasing his cousins..we call them 'blinky eyes' when he cannot keep them open a second longer. Looks like Pixxie gets them too

  7. awh Karen, what an awesome space you have. I love the colors, the way you have it organized, looks great. Do you feel that sense of peace when you enter it? I love that feeling. Pixie is precious. Enjoy!!!

  8. I love your studio... I just started a new blog dedicated to sewing spaces... Would you like to be featured in it? Please email me if you're interested and we can decide on a date..

  9. Patricia StandeferMay 30, 2013 at 12:27 AM

    Karen, I love your room! And your pink floor! I am in the process of building a new studio for my mom and me. It's a converted garage, so I'm searching for a flooring solution. Do you mind telling what you used? And are you happy with it?

  10. Patricia, I found this at Home Depot, VCT tile. My only regret is my contractor was clueless in how to install and did not put a sealant over it. In fact they didn't even clean up the glue - my sister-in-law and I spent over 10 hours on our hands and knees with goo-be-gone and simple green cleaning up their mess. As a result of not being properly sealed it has lost it's shine and shows some wear - BUT! I still love it. I have to remind myself that it's a work room not the main room of the house, but then again, it IS the main room of the house. Bottom line, I would choose the tile again just a different installer. Thanks for commenting - hope this helps


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