Sunday, December 18, 2011

Busted: Island Quilters Caught Playing Strip Poker!

It started out innocently, honestly it did...

Mild mannered quilting ladies gathering for their annual Christmas party...who would have thought?

Eagerly rushing through the business portion of our monthly guild meeting....

Sharing,among other things, all about the charity quilts donated during the year and plans for the upcoming year...

Taking a little time for show and tell...

"When do we eat!" was the resounding question...

Finally it was time to party! Bring on the good times!

Quilters are known to be good cooks. (All but this particular quilter, but we're not talking about my lack of culinary skills...)

It was evident by the spread that these ladies were serious about their food!

Who would have thought that this nice group of "little 'ole quilting ladies" were fixin' to get wild!

*** warning Will Robinson***

Due to the nature of the topic
photos are not published of what happened next!
Truth be told - photos weren't taken!

The paper plates were cleared, the deserts revisited, the drinks refilled (non-alcoholic of course - after all we are NICE little ole quilting ladies).

It was time...

The much anticipated hottest entertainment event of the evening...

The excitement had been building....

Many members, myself included, waited all year for this!

An opportunity to let our hair down...

An excuse to throw caution to the wind...

A chance to be a little reckless...

The room was electric with anticipation...

The cards were distributed among the tables. Dealers were chosen. (I'm guilty. I participated eagerly with my Las Vegas alter ego leaping out of no-where as the deck was shuffled).

Island Quilter's Guild Ladies Playing Strip Poker!

Yep, it's true, my good friends and fellow quilters with utter confidence were quick to ante-up a 2.5 inch STRIP of fabric! Cards were dealt, high card drew first from the pot. From high to low quilters chose their coveted strip of fabric - "battling" for position when there was a tie. Such reckless abandonment - I've never seen anything like it.

For four games we did this. Fast paced dealing and grabbing - hoping for the best draw and not being stuck with the "ugly" fabric. Game five was winner take all! High card won the jackpot. Oh the joy of victory, oh the agony of defeat. It's not easy letting go of fabric!

Time to switch tables, dealers stayed. New group of quilters, new fabric to covet - choices were made - do I play the pretty fabric or offer up the dogs?

Laughter could be heard among the five tables. Some dealers were faster than others (just sayin') playing more than the five games per table while waiting for other tables to finish before the shuffle of players to a new table to begin all over again ...

Yep! The Island Gals got a little wild at our Christmas party - we un-ashamedly played strip poker and I betcha' we do it again next year!

Now the challenge is what to do with my winnings!

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