Sunday, February 5, 2012

Bridge to Nowhere

By definition "fog" is a collection of liquid water droplets suspended in the air at or near the Earth's surface. Fog is a type of stratus cloud but the term fog is typically distinguished from the more generic term "cloud" in that fog is low-lying and the moisture in the fog is often generated locally from a nearby body of water. Fog is distinguished from mist only by its density resulting in a decrease in visibility (Thank you Wikipedia)

We tend to use words such as this to express our emotions. "She has her head in the clouds" meaning perhaps that someone is soaring so high in their happiness that they seem to be floating on air. Or "I'm in a fog" meaning perhaps that visibility and clarity are difficult at the moment...We all find ourselves in the clouds or in a fog at one time or another in life...

Seems I woke up and realized that we are now 36 days into a New Year and I wonder if I've been lost in a fog....nope, I haven't been shipwrecked, just on a bridge to nowhere perhaps. Sorta directionless, moving - but either on the wrong path or going in circles trying to keep my footing from falling off the path.

Oh, nothing's really wrong...but you know that feeling when nothing seems to be really right either? That miserable limbo. Going through the motions. Do you move forward, do you go back and regroup, do you stop to rest?

Rest. Now that's an interesting concept. Again taking a quick look at Wikipedia rest can be leisure, human relaxation, sleep (I think I need all of the above!) or a pause in a piece of music....hum...

Music. Not something I'm gifted in per say (can't carry a tune in a bucket!), but something I enjoy. Where would my mind be if I didn't have praise songs circling in my busy brain, like David playing his harp to sooth King Saul...So many times God speaks to me through a song on my iPod or Christian radio...but sometimes there's music in the quietness. In the beauty of His creation!

You will find me
I'm at the point of your breaking
Behind all the noise
When your world is
Darkest I can still see
Cause when there's nothing left
I'll be

I'll be the light to help you find
All the things you left behind
Wondering will love come back
I'll be whispering you're still mine
When loneliness invades your mind
You're gonna be all right
You will find me
I'm at the point of your breaking
Behind all the noise

You will find me
I'm at the point of your breaking
Behind all the noise
When your world is
Darkest I can still see
Cause when there's nothing left, yeah
Cause when there's nothing left
I'll be

I'll be - The Newsboys

I could so relate to the little bird footprints in the sand the morning I experienced this...I was running in several directions and getting no where fast, to the point my get up and go got up and went and I was exhausted - emotionally, physically, creatively, and spiritually. He gently spoke to me - Rest.

I'm resting in Him. No longer spinning in as many circles, no longer in a dense fog, no longer on a bridge to nowhere - He has the plan, the path He wants to use me on...

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.12 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.14 I will be found by you, says the Lord

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