Monday, July 23, 2012

Looking in the rear view mirror

Sometimes to know where you are going, you have to know where you have been... Today is a day of I might as well journal my thoughts. Or at least add a few lines to go with all the beautiful sunrise photos I want to share with you!
Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy 
and be glad all our days Psalm 90:14 

I love the numbers 7 and 23, I think it's neat that 7:23 comes around twice a day! On the mornings I don't have obligations 7:23 is my alarm time. And if I happen to notice 7:23 on my clock in the evening it just makes me smile.  

When I was a teenager working at Farrell's Ice Cream Parlor & Restaurant my "number" as a waitress was 23. I've always been taught that God's perfect number was 7 - as that's the day of completion for His creation, the day He rested.

I'm not one to play the lottery, but if I did somehow there would be a 7 and a 23 in my lucky numbers. 

 I find it interesting that both of these numbers are prime numbers. Don't know if that's significant or not, but I think it's neat. 

Yesterday I was reading in my One Year Bible about King Solomon's prayer of dedication for the temple and all the celebrating that the children of Israel did - I mean it was a big deal, days and days of celebration and praise....then I read this...

On the twenty-third day of the seventh month he sent the people to their homes, joyful and glad in heart for the good things the Lord had done for David and Solomon and for His people Israel.
2 Chronicles 7:10

Now I realize that the Hebrew calendar is not the same as ours, that's not JULY 23, but it's still the 7th month and the 23rd day - and the key words were joyful and glad in heart for the good things the Lord has done.

So why this fascination with 7 23 on this July 23rd? Well, if you haven't guessed by now - it's my birthday! So I can't help but like this number!

I mentioned that 7:23 alarm...well, I haven't needed it lately,  as I've had "appointments"  with the sunrise.

For the past several weeks I've made an appointment to walk to the bay in hopes to catch the "crack of dawn" and to have some quiet time to reflect on how marvelous God has been in my life.

Each day is a new beginning. Each morning holds new treasures.

So far I've not been disappointed in the keeping of my appointment.

Truly the Lord is worthy to be praised. And not just for His creation - although I am blessed each morning as I can hardly wait to see what beauty awaits me.

This morning I needed a special touch from the Lord.... for while I'm celebrating the joy of another year, there are others who didn't see the sunrise today.

Their story isn't mine to tell...I don't know them personally, but are connected through my sister, as this is her husband's extended family, and connected through our shared faith...

Yesterday little 16 month old Olivia joined her daddy in the arms of Jesus - and today Olivia's twin sister and mommy have empty arms.

My heart is saddened by this family's sorrow.  Sorrow in the empty spots in their hearts, yet I know they are rejoicing  that Olivia has received ultimate healing, and through faith in Jesus this family will be reunited once again. One twin is with daddy in heaven, one twin remains with mom here on earth. Awaiting that day. That blessed hope - when we either see Jesus coming in the clouds to claim His kingdom, or when He sends the chariot of fire to take us home.  The song "10,000 Reasons" by Matt Redman came to mind and has been a fact, I set is as my alarm song this morning for my sunrise appointment

My walk today wasn't without tears....and today my walk took a different path as if the Lord knew I needed encouragement...There were new views for me to capture with my camera...

New thoughts as I processed this journey. Recognizing that we all have a path to follow, that life does have its twists and turns, it's joy and sorrow... but that Jesus is the center of it all..

Even when we feel alone, tired, or weary - that the sun rises and the sun sets - and His name shall be praised.

As I look in the rear view mirror of my life, I can't help but be amazed at all the blessings He has given me. Not "stuff" but substance. Peace, joy, family, friends...

In good times and in bad. 

I can't begin to understand why one is taken and the other left. Why some grow old and some die young. His ways are not our ways. He gives and takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord.

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. 
Psalm 90:12

Thank you Jesus for another birthday. I pray that you will comfort those experiencing great sorrow today, touch those who need a special blessing. Bring a new song to our hearts, let us sing to you when the day begins and end our day in song. Bless the Lord oh my soul....


  1. Happy birthday, KO! Beautiful pictures today. I think I am needing me some beach time. You just can't fully appreciate the sun rises and sets when surrounded by pine trees.

  2. Thanks for the birthday wishes! We used to live in the foothills of the Smokey Mountains, and yes, at times it's hard to see the sun rise or the sun set - but I loved the color of the clouds!

  3. Your sunrise pics are breathtaking! Thanks for sharing :)


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