Sunday, September 23, 2012

Living Large

Where oh where has September gone? Ever feel like life is passing you by, or at least passing too quickly?  That's where I've found myself this past month...busy, busy, busy, yet wondering why the to do list is still a mile long. Have I procrastinated too much, have I been productive enough, did I remember to stop and breath?

Thank goodness for photos, because along with my calendar I can go back and review/relive some of the highlights and record here - like that's so important (grin), but it is fun for me to go back and read my blog entries even if no one else, for your reading pleasure and my memory's September in the Reader's Digest Version!

Seems my DIL Katie wanted to have an "arts and crafts day"  She loves to decorate and I think as soon as Labor Day was behind us she was ready to think fall!  Actually, I've been thinking Thanksgiving (grin) so we decided to take a day and play in the studio...I gave her free reign to go through the fabric stash to find fall colors -- granted, that's not an easy task as I tend to be bright/tropical/hot pink/purple/lime green sorta gal...but she is resourceful! Before long baskets of fabric were pulled out, fat quarters and small bolts covered the longarm table...

We've decided that we really need more than one arts and crafts day to truly get ready for fall and Thanksgiving, but our efforts weren't without reward.  Using my GoCutter we each have prepped a fall runner that will be a future quilt project (hopefully by Thanksgiving!)  Mine is actually a cabinet runner - in a few short weeks imagine this full of delicious dishes contributed by a loving family! Oh I can smell the turkey now!

Here's a close up that also includes the kitchen hanging towels, we each made a set.  The pumpkin is Katie's, mine still needs to be sewn...

 Of course, Pixxie is right in the middle of the mix. 

 Lest you think my month as been all play and no work - here's a little quilt that I made for a customer. It's 48 x 48 and, matter of fact, yesterday it was used as a guest book for my customer's wedding. How cool is that? All her family and friends would have autographed it with their well wishes for the happy couple. I'm hopeful she will send me a photo, alas, she's not local - one of many internet customers. It's truly amazing how small the world is through this modern way of "connecting". Autograph quilts anyone? I've gotcha covered!

Here's a close up of the center. Again, I used my GoCutter for the raw edge applique. (With this fabulous tool I'm no longer afraid of the "A-word")

Speaking of love in the air... there's no greater expression of love than a new baby!  Don't get too excited, my family hasn't expanded - this is my girlfriend Trish's "baby" Jessica with her baby Everett and handsome hubby Gabe.

Of course, I just had to get my hands on this sweetie...only two days old. Nothing brings me closer to God that holding one of His creations in my arms! Life is truly a miracle, not to be taken for granted!

Yep, a wonderful distraction, but now it's back to quilting...  This beauty is one of two...Two friends made the same quilt but with different borders. I challenged myself to quilt them was fun!

This is my favorite block...don't know why, but I think it's because I liked the way the center feather puff turned out!

Last month we had a barn raising - well, the arches on the studio annex raising to be exact...things are being done in "phases"....The first phase was having a contractor pour the foundation, phase two was a volunteer crew putting up the arches...phase three was suppose to be closing in the end walls....but finishing off the fence became high priority after Ms Pixxie escaped and scared us to death!

Pixxie is now safely contained with the finishing of the fence. We are learning patience as we wait anxiously for the next phase (hum, should patience and anxious be in the same sentence?) Seriously, one day at a time, and when it's complete this will be the home of quilting classes and a new production area for the t-shirt quilts we make. It's going to be good!

One thing that I've accomplished, so to speak, is to become disciplined with my appointment with the Son - I've been walking to the bay almost every morning this summer to greet the sunrise...I've had a lot of fun doing this and truly can't wait to round the corner and see what the bay looks like each morning.

Have to admit, I like the mornings with interesting clouds the best.

One morning an older gentleman pulled up near me in this pick up and said "don't you have enough pictures of the sunrise?"  My reply, "No sir, it's new every morning!"  He asked what I did with all them and I answered, "I go home and put a Bible verse with them".   I've built up quite a collection - many mornings I've come home and posted them on FaceBook. Just recently I've started adding them to webshots.   It is my hope that others will enjoy them, and perhaps share or use as screensavers or's just a sampling of recent ones...

Well, this new found friendship with Mr. Bill (who is 81 by the way) has yielded me a new distraction...

The above photo was taken after a day out in his boat attempting to fish.  That particular day was unsuccessful but he insisted on taking me a second time and LOOKIE!!!

 I caught my first saltwater fish!! I was so surprised that he even asked me back - I mean, I'm sorta high maintenance when it comes to stuff like this. I hadn't fished since I was 10 or so...and Mr. Bill not only had to cast for me but when I found out we were fishing with LIVE bait (shrimp) he also had to bait my hook...I mean, we're talking about a gal who doesn't like to handle raw meat in the kitchen! And live shrimp wiggle a lot and and and THEY HAVE EYES!

Like I said, I was glad that he asked me back! You can only imagine how much I talked in the boat (grin). But I will say this, he made me pull in my own 27" Red, and take the hook out of it's mouth! AND hold it for this photo...oh my, I've accomplished a lot of firsts with this new adventure.

The following week Mr. Bill asked Johnny to go with him...for the record, he can bait his own hook and cast his own rod (grin) and they caught 3 times as many on their day out as we did on ours...okay, so boys rule (grin).

If I had to sum up my month (and it's not over yet - still a week to go). I'd have to say that I've learned to live life large. Sometimes the things I have going on with family and friends seem to be a distraction from my quilting, and I know there are times I probably should have balanced a tad better....but then again, maybe not...perhaps the Lord is teaching me that life is short, it's a gift, and each day IS a new opportunity.

Live life LARGE and loud my friends!


  1. Well, my goodness, you have been one BUSY lady! Everything looks wonderful. Hope to see you at Quilt Festival again this year.

  2. Love reading your posts and I check in often, love your words of wisdom and how you relate life to His Word. THankyou.

  3. I am so jealous of your nice redfish! There is nothing quite like fishing... fresh or salt water. It's all fun! And I DO bait my own hook. DH loves me, but I have to be self-sufficient to fish with him. We have GOT to hit the water soon. It has been too long since we fished!


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