Sunday, January 6, 2013

No Worries!

I knew today's message would speak to me! No Worries! based on Matthew 6:25-34....(Calvary Houston)

Worry is a distrust in God. By definition it means anxious, fret, to have fear, or to choke or strangle. Doesn't sound too healthy now does it? In fact, worry effects all sorts of things physically - your glands, your heart, your nervous system - things that can actually shorten your life.

According to the verses Jesus addresses three basic things people worry about - food, the future, and clothing (or fashion as Pastor Ron referred to it).

In the example of food we are told that God sustains the birds and that we are much greater to Him than them. The point was also made that birds don't stockpile, they don't fret over their next meal. God provides daily for them, and He will for us as His children.

We tend to worry a lot about our future - but worry doesn't and can't lengthen our lives. Oh we can do our best to eat healthy, exercise, and all that - but even these good things doesn't lengthen our life, it may help the quality of our life but it doesn't give quantity of life. In other words, we shouldn't be consumed with our future - because it  chokes out our ability to enjoy today.

Concerning "fashion" - the example is the flowers of the field - even King Solomon in all his glory wasn't robed as glamorous as the flowers, and they are seasonal and don't last long - He cares about us so much more. In other words, don't be people of little faith, the kind that worry about what to eat or wear, but instead trust Him with our daily needs, after all, we trust Him with our eternal destiny so how hard do we really think it is for Him to care for us!

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

So to trust God for our daily "manna" we need to move from an earthly mindset to a heavenly mindset - seek Him first. This is a conditional promise - God takes care of those who put Him first!  Isaiah 26:3 says that He keeps him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him.

Worry of tomorrow cripples us today. Today has it's own issues, and we can trust Him today with those issues. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever - His provision is full, He has been faithful, and He will sustain us. Lamentations 3:23 reminds us that His mercy is new every morning!

So I left the morning services encouraged by the Word and thrilled with the change in the weather! The sun was shining (of course THE Son is always shining, but I do like the other type a lot a lot!). I decided to practice what I preached yesterday (grin) and to make a point to enjoy the day.

And that I did! I went to lunch after church with a girlfriend, then I went to a cooking class at the mall, did a little shopping - like my new coat? Bargain shopping at it's best. I was even able to encourage a clerk who just had to deal with an irate customer right in front of me - my way of spreading a little Sonshine. And then tested out my new coat on a walk around the Kemah boardwalk for a little exercise enjoying the last of the sun rays for the day.

All in all a very wonderful day, with NO worries! Resting in His mercy and promises that He loves me and wants the best for me. I have to admit, it's a lot less stressful to just enjoy the day and not be under pressure! ...and tomorrow...well, tomorrow I will need to remind myself that once again, God has my best interest at heart and all I have to do is have faith to trust Him with my day.

I'll close with a hymn that came to mind as I was walking in the sunlight: Click on the You Tube link below to hear a beautiful rendition recorded on a Mountain Dulcimer  - reminds me of our 20 years in Tennessee!

Heavenly Sunlight
Hymn Lyrics

Walking in sunlight all of my journey;
Over the mountains, through the deep vale;
Jesus has said, “I’ll never forsake thee,”
Promise divine that never can fail.


Heavenly sunlight, heavenly sunlight,
Flooding my soul with glory divine:
Hallelujah, I am rejoicing,
Singing His praises, Jesus is mine.

Shadows around me, shadows above me,
Never conceal my Savior and Guide;
He is the Light, in Him is no darkness;
Ever I’m walking close to His side.


In the bright sunlight, ever rejoicing,
Pressing my way to mansions above;
Singing His praises gladly I’m walking,
Walking in sunlight, sunlight of love.



  1. This is a beautiful post and a wonderful reminder of the faithfulness of God.

  2. Thanks for sharing the moment with me!

  3. Glad you are back, have been checking in often and then I find 3 posts when I didnt look!
    Very good message, I needed to hear that, remember not to worry and give it all to God. Thankyou.


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