Sunday, September 1, 2013

All on a Sunday Afternoon

 I love Sundays. Not only was today the first day of a new week, but the first of a new month. I smiled as the DJ on the local Christian radio station said "where has the year gone!"  My sentiments exactly, I found my thoughts agreeing as I drove to worship this morning. Yes, I love Sundays. A day of worship and rest. Rest, or cease from labor. Oh not in the strict sense of the word, but cease from "have to's" know. nothing that has to be done, just a afternoon to relax and piddle, an afternoon with no restrictions or to do list.

Sometimes that means ignoring the customer quilts, the dishes, the laundry, and just doing something I enjoy. Like playing around with fabric (grin) - now that's relaxing! A little quilt therapy to the rescue!

Why not make something little? A "quilt in a day" so to speak. Why not indeed. I had stumbled across a pattern on the internet this past week (Moda Bakeshop) and decided that would do well to occupy my thoughts today. The example was 15 inches, mine turned out to be 18...their's was scrappy, surprisingly mine wasn't. No restrictions!

Piecing was a breeze and I quickly found myself at the longarm, quilting away with the most delightful yellow thread creating texture on the background. I had fully planned on "matching thread" in the hot pink but hate to admit was a tad lazy and didn't want to get up to change thread...once committed....sigh...I can't help but wonder if it would have looked better with hot pink thread on the stars. At least the back had the texture I desired.

The afternoon has past by most pleasantly as I pieced, quilted, and then prepared the bias binding. Oh what was I thinking? One more personal project that needs the binding hand sewn on the back! At least it's small, and doable...

 I think this little quilt matches my bright mood of the day! A day of singing and rejoicing. I love Sundays. Times of corporate worship with fellow believers and times of quiet worship as I delight in the work my hands find to do.

"The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.  Zephaniah 3:17

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