Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sunday Sewing - Move over Vera!

Time to update
I have a passion for organizer bags - some would say an obsession.  Years ago I broke down and purchased several bags from Vera Bradley. I have always loved and admired her design and quality construction, but there really wasn't a print that called my name...until Sierra Sunset...I don't even remember what year that was, but man oh man did I have an obsession! I had Sierra Sunset purses (yes plural) Sierra Sunset tote bags, Sierra Sunset insulated lunch bag, Sierra Sunset travel bag, Sierra Sunset duffle bag, Sierra Sunset Hanging Cosmetic bag, Sierra Sunset wallet, Sierra Sunset little bags to go inside bags....Need I go on... I loved/love the Sierra Sunset pattern. I even purchased the napkins and make a pillow out of them, and I have the apron, and the plastic cups....when I say obsession I do mean obsession. 

I also have this deep down desire to make my own bags....I have been "collecting" bag patterns for several years...have attempted a few purses and such, some were definitely "homemade" vs "handmade" but I am getting better. I'm not making them to sell (don't worry your pretty little head Miss Vera I will never be a competitor) I just make them for my own pleasure. A few I might give a way...a few get donated to the thrift shop (I figure a sweet young girl would be thrilled with them and not be hypercritical with the construction or the fabric choice).  But mainly I just like the challenge of making them and using them.

Recently one of my favorite designers,  released a brand new design called Zip It Up! and I was chomping a the bit to get my hands on this pattern.  It arrived in my mailbox yesterday!!!

I didn't take "in process" photos because Annie does a great job of having clear and precise directions, not to mention tutorials and fabulous Craftsy classes...Instead I'm going to share with you my photos and give you a little behind the scenes commentary of "what was she thinking?"....

Small Zip It Up Case to fit iPad Mini

I love my Mini - I loved it so much during my obsession year with Vera and Sierra Sunset I was thrilled to purchase a sleeve to house my iPad when I traveled. I have a nice "store-bought" cover that folds over to cover the screen when not in use. Annie's pattern has two sizes, a small and a large, the small is for the iPad Mini and the larger one is designed to fit the regular size iPad.  Well, I like to cram a lot into my bags and I had this one spiral notebook with a cute little owl on it that I wanted to go into the interior pockets but alas, it's measurements were the same as the product description's finished measurements...Design change - or I think as they call it these days, a design I took it upon myself to increase the overall cutting instructions by one inch to hopefully accommodate my needs.

Interior of Small Zip It Up Case

I neglected to mention that the fabric was previously quilted on Soft and Stable for another project I did a few weeks ago....a hanging thread holder that I changed up just a bit from ByAnnie's Bling It On! pattern. Today's bag was made from the leftovers...and I still have some quilted Soft and Stable leftovers with these fabrics for a future bag...or two...

Double Sided Thread Holder

Okay...enough distraction - back to today's project.  As you can see the interior is bright and colorful and I love it that now offers a bright yellow mesh to complement this project. I have a collection of all her mesh as well as a collection of her wonderful handbag zippers. You can never have enough supplies on hand - never know when the urge to create will hit ya!

Interior filled with fun

As you can see, my increase in dimensions worked in my favor - my cute little spiral notebook fit into my mesh pocket. In my vinyl pocket I have my graph paper tablet, pens, and ruler for my next inspiration for the next quilt. And of course my lip stuff - a girl has to have priorities after all.

I must say that the construction (minus  the quilting  done previously) took less than 3 hours. The pattern instructions, as I said earlier, are simply wonderful.  I still struggle a bit with making a pretty machine binding but I am getting much better at it, especially since I started using the ByAnnie Pressing Tool and Wonder Clips.

By the way, did ya notice the zipper pulls are a different color than the zipper? I think that just adds to the fun! 

Everything came together, the case zipped up just fantastic - my iPad Mini with it's cover case fit into the front pocket and I thought I was good to go, calling it a day...and then I remembered...In my Vera iPad sleeve I kept my charger and ear buds...oh my...that's an important ingredient!

Leftovers are a wonderful thing - and not just for dinner...yep, there were  quilted leftovers and of course I have extra vinyl and smaller zippers on stand by.... it's not the best workmanship but it serves its purpose...

Small Vinyl Zippered Pocket
Holds iPod Charger and Ear Buds

The zipper looks wavy because I actually created some fullness in the zipper facing (think darts) to accommodate for that huge square thing that plugs in the wall (grin). The ear bud base is made from two layers of my quilted Soft and Stable leftover cuttings stitched together. The ear buds were then wrapped around and held in place by a small pony-tail thingie.  (See I told you Vera had nothing to worry about - her creations are much more professional but mine accomplish the same goal.)

Now to fit it all in....

Techie things added to the case

There's still room in the mesh I added a flash drive and then decided I could fit in a small note pad to make up for the spiral notebook I removed earlier...

Mesh stretches - you can get a lot in mesh pockets!

Next it was time to see if by adding my covered iPad Mini to the outside front pocket if I could get the entire case to close.

It all fits!

But wait, there's more! I kinda wondered just how much I could stuff this cute little case so I added my spiral notebook "loose" just laying on top of the pockets instead of in one....

This case is stuffable!

And here's the side view with my Zip It Up! small case totally FULL! I'm sure the contents will change as the needs change but I am soooo thrilled to have made this today!

Zip It Up!

I've had another wonderful Sunday Sew In. I can't begin to count how many projects I have dancing as colorful visions in my busy brain. A month of Sundays wouldn't be the tip of the iceberg. I am so thankful that I have a passion that is inexhaustible - a never ending supply of beautiful fabrics, patterns, (zippers), inspiration! A big thank you to the designers of all things crafty! You guys rock my quilting world!

Until next show and tell - may your days be pieceful and may your true peace be found in the Lord Jesus, my Creator and true inspiration for all things, not just quilts and crafts!

Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:1-2

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