Monday, September 15, 2008

Heading South

One of the things I brought with me was my daily scripture calendar. Here's today's verse:

Nowthe God of peace...make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever Amen Hebrews 1:20-21


  1. Karen, Been travelling to Savannah, GA since Wed last to deliver dd back to college. Now on way home & 1st chance to check e-mails. Been so concerned about you, your family & community and all in TX. Sending prayers.
    Anne Harmon from VT

  2. I hope your home and neighborhood withstood the storm as indicated. The pictures of the area are just unbelievable. It is so sad to think Galveston and the area have been so devastated.

    You are in our prayers.

    Judy in MO

  3. Karen,
    I hope you find things in better shape than you can imagine once you get home. I'm praying for you.
    In the meantime, I have given your blog the Kreativ Blogger Award. Check out my blog for details.


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