Sunday, September 14, 2008


My nucleus is complete, my oldest returned from his evacuation near Austin to join us here in Cypress. He brought us a gas can with gas for his brother's car so we can convoy back to our area in the morning. He got word that his appartment has power, he's in the Clear Lake Shores area that was hard hit - but he lives on the 4th floor - our concern was the flooded parking lot which probably isn't an issue now. We have not had an update on our home, but still holding out for the best.

I am probably repeating myself, and for that dear friends, I appologize. Everything is such a brain overload it's hard to realize that there's a whole world out there carrying on with other interesting tid bits of news that don't include Ike.

I am eager to be home, to get to work on whatever we have to do - for ourselves, our family and our friends. It's going to be a long row to hoe and it's going to get old, tiring, and draining. I would ask for continued prayers for strenghth and encouragement.

Once we travel south we will be without power and internet. The Quilt Rambler will be silent but not gone. When we regain communications I hope to be back to rambling about quilts! If we are without power for a lenghtly period I may have to take up hand quilting for therapy (smile)

thanks for listening!


  1. Just read your post at MQR also. So glad you are all safe. I hope you find your home safe sound and dry.Our thoughts are with you all.

  2. I keep watching the weather news for your area with your name in my prayer thoughts plus all the other souls in your part of Texas. Know that God will stitch this all together in a pattern for His good.
    Lin Gogolin


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