Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Grand Finale of Jamie Wallen Workshops

Here's our two day troopers! At the end of the day we are tired but happy! This really was a Texas Marathon! Yesterday the fabric bowls, locker hook rugs and part one of thread bowls. Today finishing up the thread bowls, learning to paint with inks, learning to fabric dye and then fabric painting. Whew! I think we wore Jamie out!

He's spraying our thread bowls with sealant. They all turned out really nice. Tomorrow I'll post all the photos from the week on my webshots, right now there are just the early days.

No one should be surprised that I dyed a wide back purple and fuchsia! Can't wait for it to "set" and then do the final rinse to see how it really turns out.

This was a different technique and actually my fabric got another treatment or two before it was "done" -- including using rock salt to add a nifty design effect.

None of us completely finished our inking, but all got a lot accomplished. I had no idea you had to keep going over and over a design to layer the ink to make it look the way you wanted to. I enjoyed this part of the day and have already made my shopping list for inks!

Hard to believe Jamie has been here 9 days already. He's been packing up supplies this evening to be shipped home and will be flying out Wednesday morning. Really hate to see him go, seems there's always more I wish we'd accomplished or more that I could 'pick his brains' about. We have a great time and the fun thing is I'll see him again this fall at the Houston International Quilt Festival. Just got my catalog today and Jamie is teaching the two design classes that he taught here this week, Mystical CottonTracks and Thread Fusion -- if you are going to be at the show then you need to take his class! And don't forget about his DVD and the upcoming ones too - I'm especially wanting the one by he and Rosanne on the fabric bowls, from what I understand there are a lot of different shapes and styles....

Sigh. All good things much come to an end. It's been fun and yes it's been a Marathon! Think tomorrow will be a good day for a nap!!


  1. Oh my goodness, Karen!! Truly a week to remember. Were the marathon classes only for A-1 people?
    How I wish I lived closer so I could attend some of your workshops. I'd love to learn the square in a square technique as well.
    Hope you are staying cool in the heat I see you're having. We're struggling to get into the 80s here. Our June was 23 days with rain out of 30!!

  2. Hi Eileen,
    Only the first two days were A-1 quilters - the maintenance class and the first class of Mystical CottonTracks. Then we repeated Mystical CottonTracks, added Thread Fusion and the TX Marathon -- these were open to all. Had about 25 different folks in my house over the past two weeks and it was great. Thanks for asking!


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