Monday, October 19, 2009

One Tired Puppy!

Me, not Pixxie (grin)

Wow, 10 days of Houston Quilt Market and Quilt Festival are now history.

Pixxie missed me. Can you find her among the quilts?

Totally enjoyed myself. Wonderful co-workers in the A-1 Quilting Machine booth - new friends as well as deepening relationships with other friends. A-1 dealers are the best - most helpful to each other and they take good care of their customers. No matter where you live, if you are in a market for a longarm you owe it to yourself to contact the local dealer and take a test drive of our machine. You will love it.

Pixxie and I are digging out. I got a late start this morning because I decided that the alarm clock should be turned off! Lots of emails to catch up on, needed to balance Quicken after all my purchases (I think I spent more on parking and food than I did goodies), and hubby and I had a nice catch up time as we spent more time than I'd like to admit cleaning up the kitchen (lets just say we ran out of things days ago and switched to paper/plastic!) The washing machine and dryer have been humming most of the day....

Have to say my fondest memories of the Houston show this year is all the gals who came by to say hello and introduce themselves (and the hubbies too - always love to meet other hubbies who support their wives passion of quilting) . My only regret is not having enough time to really visit and to take a photo of each and everyone. Those of you who came by may not realize this, but you greatly blessed my day. I am sincerely humbled and honored that you read my blog and that you wanted to tell me so.

ya'know, I've always rambled....and in my early days I would sometimes journal....I started this blog just as a way to write the 'rest of the story' because my posts to online forums would end up being sooooo long. I never really guessed that anyone would care enough to read about my little life. I've done nothing spectacular, haven't invented anything, or discovered anything, or traveled the world over having tales to tell of my adventures....just livin life and enjoying it.

Maybe that's why you read about me, cuz I'm just like some of you. We have something in common and it's a nice way to feel like we are 'normal' cuz we've found someone else that enjoys the same thing we do, has the same struggles, similar passions, or what not. I find it simply amazing that there are so many of us that are alike, yet uniquely different. We can relate, share joys, share sorrows, offer encouragement, offer advice, give a kuddos when it's needed, and just plain ole laugh or cry together.

Many of you have shared with me that you share my faith in Jesus, God's Son and Savior of the world. That's probably the most important thing anyone could share with me...simply because that means we'll have all eternity together to get to know each other. Isn't that a mind-boggling thought! There are times that life here seems hard, or times that life here seems so short, but when I put things into the scope of eternity I have to realize that this world is not my home and the greatest joy of living here is living for Christ and sharing that God loves you and wants you to share in the eternal home He has planned for you. It's wonderful when like-believers come along side and encourage me in my journey and I hope that in a small way I can encourage you in yours. Reminds me of the verses that tell me not to be weary in well doing, and to do good to those in the household of faith....hold on, be steadfast, stay strong....there's a wonderful reward to those who overcome.

In the meanwhile, as I live out my remaining days on this earth I continue to be thankful that I have a husband who loves me, grown sons who make me proud, the cutest little tail wagger, and a host of friends. I am grateful that I have the ever-changing, never boring passion of quilting. There's so much to see and do just within this small pleasure. Yep, I'm one tired puppy but I'm sew happy and so full of joy.

Thanks for being there my online buddies! I truly appreciate you!


  1. Karen,
    I love reading your posts and following your journey. I admire your faith and wish mine were as strong.
    I feel like we know each other even though we've never met. Keep on ramblin'.

  2. Karen,
    I enjoy your blog so very much. Do not forget to take some time to rest in the busy days ahead. Thank you for openly sharing your faith in daily life. In my little corner of the world it seems to be a rarity.


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