Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Time to Hibernate

Be still and know that I am God....

sorry this is so small, but I took it with my phone this morning and the transfer just came out little (sigh)

Just wanted to hang up my sign that says "hibernation" for a little while - I've had lots of personal emails requesting tips, suggestions, information, etc and I just can't devote the time to answer properly right now...please forgive me...but with the weeks of work missed due to the death of my grandmother, the 10 days at market/festival, the two days I've spent digging out and the next couple of ones that I need to finish trying to find my machine that has been buried...well I just need to regroup and focus on my customer quilts in waiting. I promise I will answer each and everyone, but it might be awhile...thanks for understanding...love having the chatter among friends, but right now just need some quiet time.

The Quilt Rambler is in hibernation, but will be back soon!

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