Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

Pixxie enjoyed our busy day today. You can see how she has to be close to one of us. I get tickled how she puts her paw on our leg like she doesn't get enough attention (smile)

What a wonderfully busy day. Actually two days - as it is in the wee hours Christmas Eve as I write this. I just finished two bath mats for Christmas presents to our parents. I don't know why I can't seem to get the photo to flip sideways so you'll just have to turn your head (smile).

This is two bath towels quilted together on the longarm, no batting. I got the idea from another longarm quilter as I looked through webshots. Pretty cool idea actually. The original lady shared that she quilted gently worn towels, since this was a gift I purchased new towels.

It wasn't difficult to quilt, a little thick but no worse than quilting double knit (ugh) or minkie.

Have to admit it was rather therapeutic to be quilting again after a week of longarm set ups and limited customer quilts the last one of which delivered 12/23 at 7:30 PM. I didn't start on the bathmats until after 10 PM or so and finished a little after midnight. I made two. The only issue was in the trimming - I've got to vacuum!! What a mess. I cheated and did a machine binding instead of hand sewn on the back -- but heck, it's a bath mat! (smile).

Our immediate family had Christmas together this afternoon - our work schedules are so crazy that this was the only time all four of us could be together. I was working up until the last minute! Realized as I was wrapping presents that #1 Son only had one gift under the tree from us (it was a "big" one) and then I remembered that earlier in the year I had purchased some fabric with "Texas Hold'em" on it to make him pillow cases....nothing like last minute sewing! It was 11 AM and we were scheduled to get together to eat and open gifts a 1 PM!!

He was proud of the pillow cases, and asked if I'd make some throw pillows for his couch. Of course!

I had hinted that I wanted Mamma Mia! for Christmas and was very pleased that I received just what I asked for. Probably one of my favorite movies this year...hum...only saw three or four at the theater this year and actually liked them all, but this one made me feel like dancing -- so seems like a good one for the library, you know, something you pull out on those down days when you need a pick me up!

#2 Son is an artist. He knew his dad liked the old "rat fink" from his hot rod days so this was a most welcomed gift.

#2 Son painted this for #1 Son. It was too big to wrap so #1 Son was told to "go look in the hall closet" (smile) He was very pleased.

We are wanting to encourage #2 Son in his art so he recieved an air compressor and air brush materials. Can't wait to see what he creates next!

The next few days will be spent with extend families. Can't believe it's Christmas already! Nothing like waiting until the last minute to finish those gifts! Hum..maybe that's just part of the season (smile)

Merry Christmas everyone.


  1. Thanks for sharing your family Christmas. Looks like there are other creative souls in your family. I love the bath mats and saw the ones you posted on the webshots link on Longarm. I am going to try some made like chenille from bathtowels. Wonder if that will work?

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Hello. I am so glad to have found you--what a sweet blog you have here--I enjoyed reading the past posts and will be back to read more.

    I got Mama Mia for Christmas, too, but it will be my first time seeing it, so thanks for the good recommendation.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  3. I love Mama Mia too. I have the soundtrack and I listen to it almost every day :))



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