Monday, December 22, 2008

Missing Plane update

Many will remember our prayer chain concerning the missing plane and the three crew's the latest updates, please notice the dates of the emails to keep things chronically.

Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 11:27 AM
Subject: Nevrdun News - Prayer Request Update 29

A week from today.

That's when the wedding was scheduled.

Chris and Dara's day to unite together as one.

But where is Chris? Dara doesn't know. No one knows. Only God knows.

And only He can calm Dara's heart and give her peace. He loves her with an everlasting love and He will give her hope for the future.

Dara needs our prayers. The families of Wes, Chris and Patrick all need our prayers.

Lord, please give them Your peace that passes understanding. May they set their hearts fully on Your grace, firmly believe that You exist, and know that some way, some how, You will work all these things together for good. When their hearts are anxious or troubled or afraid, may they turn their eyes toward You. And trust You. May their hearts always be tender toward You. May they stand fast in You with the full assurance that You are their refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Please guide them. Encourage them. Fill them with Your word. May they not dwell on their feelings, but build on Your love and goodness in their lives. May the power of Your love lift them up and give them fortitude and hope. Please give them the strength to rest in You in quietness and confidence. May they always have hope in You. May they be strong and courageous, knowing You are with them wherever they go. And may they continue to trust You and Your purposes, even when things don't turn out as they expect. Please help them take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ. May they trust You and pour out their hearts to You. Please guard their course and protect their way. And lead them one step at a time, for they are traveling hard, rocky, unfamiliar ground. They need You. They need to know You are there. And they need to know You care. We know You do and we thank You and praise You for it.

In Jesus name . . .

Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 10:39 AM
Subject: Nevrdun News - Prayer Request Update 30

Here is the latest news on the missing plane from today's Thank you for your continued prayers!

Ground team checking missing plane anomaly

BY Staff
Published: December 22, 2008 in News

A new anomaly has been identified from aerial photographs in the area where a US-registered aircraft went missing almost two months ago and a ground crew is making its way to the identified area, according to Vice President, Investor Relations of U3O8 Corp, Nancy Chan-Palmateer.

However, Chan-Palmateer cautioned that the crew may take several days to reach the latest area of interest given the challenging terrain and the thick jungle cover. She said that they have to cut through the bush every step of the way from the nearest accessible part of the area, and search around that area to ensure that they get to the exact location shown on the photograph.

“It is premature to know what this anomaly may be until the field team reaches the area, although we hope and pray that we will find something soon,” she told Stabroek News via email on Saturday. She pointed out that over the course of the search effort a number of anomalies were detected through the aerial images and ground crews have investigated each one but to date there has been no positive result.

Meanwhile, Captain Gerry Gouveia yesterday told Stabroek News that in association with US-based pilot, Miles Williams, he had identified an anomaly. It is not clear if it is the same one Chan-Palmateer referred to, and he suggested that a helicopter should be used by one of the companies with whom the aircraft was attached to check it out.

Dynamic Aviation had used an aircraft equipped with Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology to take specialized photographs of the area and according to Gouveia the photographs which were of high probability areas were also placed on a specialized website,, developed for that purpose.

He described the developing of the website as a “very innovative way of conducting search and rescue” as persons around the world can view the photographs. The company then sent a website link to various pilots to view and according to Gouveia he requested photographs of a particular area of probability he had previously identified. He said the photographs, which were super-imposed on Google Earth, were analysed by Williams and an anomaly was identified.

The plane went missing in late October and after fifteen days of searching the Guyana government called off the quest stating that the three occupants must be presumed to have perished. However, the three companies with whom the men on the plane were employed will continue the search.

Americans James Wesley Barker, 28, and Chris Paris, 23, the Captain and First Officer, respectively, along with Canadian Patrick Murphy, a geophysics technician were on board the plane. The aircraft was chartered from Dynamic Aviation Inc by Terraquest Ltd to conduct geophysical surveys on behalf of Prometheus Resources (Guyana) Inc, a subsidiary of the Toronto-based U3O8 Corporation.

The aircraft was scheduled to operate in the Chi Chi-Imbaimadai area in the Cuyuni following which it was expected to have returned to the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Timehri.

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