Sunday, October 4, 2009

Making Progress on my Messenger Bag

This afternoon was my time to continue working on my Messenger Bag. that I started several Sunday afternoons ago...seems I've been interrupted lately from my Sunday afternoon play days...and I am easily distracted...sometimes too much time on the internet or the phone...but it's all good.

This is some bag! Lots of parts and pieces and probably the most complex thing I've ever made besides a quilt, but I am really enjoying the process. It's great to have a DVD teacher.

Today I sewed in a zippered pocket that will be on the back and added pleated pockets to what will be the front. The 'hard part' was adding the side pockets and strap anchor. Not impossible, but it was a little bit of a challenge. Again, most helpful to have the visual of the DVD to go step by step.

This is as far as I've gotten. Last time I finished the front flap. I'm thinking I'm in the home stretch now and that it just might be possible that I have another evening to work late (after the deadline quilts) and finish it up in time to carry to the Houston International Quilt Market/Festival...still in countdown mode 5/11!!

Ah, but it's quitin' time, and time for another Sunday tradition - dinner out with hubby at our favorite Mexican restaurant, LaBrisa.

Stay tuned....

1 comment:

  1. YUM... LaBrisa... hope you ate some for me!!

    The bag is looking great! I can't wait to see the finished product. Have fun at Houston. Maybe NEXT year I can get that way.



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