Friday, October 2, 2009

One Week from Today!!

I can't believe it's almost here! One week from today is my play day at the Houston International Quilt Market - it's Schoolhouse and I'm sew excited!!

Market is the wholesale buying side of the 10 day Houston event.

Next Friday I'll be meeting up with friends from all over the globe as we try to pass the endurance test of 'going back to school' complete with changing classes every 30 minutes or so -- remember those days of trying to find the right room? Well, that's part of the experience, but we are rewarded once we arrive (and if you are fortunate you get a seat down front). Each class is sorta like an info-commercial of what's new in our industry. Sometimes its a fabric company introducing a new line of fabric, sometimes it's a pattern designer introducing their new book, and other times its a manufacturer introducing the newest notion. I just love it!

Just 7 days away the vendor mall opens at Market and I'll be smiling in the A-1 booth. The photo above is from last year, when I was asked to become a dealer for A-1 Quilting Machines in the Texas area. This is Susan, my first customer, and now my friend. We'll be celebrating a year of happy quilting - I'm really looking forward to seeing her again and my other A-1 friends.

I love meeting quilters! Each year I try to connect with those that I know from the internet on various lists and each year I've totally enjoyed this opportunity to put faces with names. That's happening again this year so if you are coming to Houston be sure and send me a quick note so I know to expect you (grin) and IF you'd like to meet up with other quilters here's our schedule to meet...

Market: Saturday 10/10, 11 AM at the A-1 booth
Festival: Preview Night, Wednesday 10/14, 9 PM at the A-1 booth
Festival: Thursday 10/15, 11 AM at the A-1 booth

Can't wait to see ya! In the meantime, gotta get back to those customer quilts!


  1. Have fun! Don't wear yourself out too much!

  2. Karen, I just found out what the E. in your name stands for.... We might be cousins; my Grandmother was an Eaton.... We'll have to compare genealogy. I'll be at Festival some but I'm not sure of times yet. Sad but true my life is very uncertain.


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