I know it's a tad confusing - after 13 years as Quilts 'N Kaboodle I've rebranded to The Quilt Rambler in Jan 2017...and even though this blogspot is called The Quilt Rambler, in fact it is the old blog of Quilts 'N Kaboodle....sigh....It's still me - Karen E Overton, longarm quilter, t-shirt quilt maker, teacher, ....and now Island Batik Ambassador...and new pattern designer....
I've rebranded my website to TheQuiltRambler.com to include all the longarm details, t-shirt and memory quilt information and that's where you will find all my chatty blog posts too!
Please make the switch to join me....sign up for the blog and keep up with the quilting adventures.
Things you have missed:
My adventures in Arizona teaching a workshop
My FREE PDF tutorial on Covering Composition Notebooks complete with a YouTube version to quilt along
And my latest blog post about my very first Modern Quilt!
Won't you make the move to join me at The Quilt Rambler? Lots of projects, customer stories, tutorials and future YouTube tutorials. I've missed you!!
Karen Overton
THE Quilt Rambler
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Casey's T-shirt Quilt
I recently asked Irma Cortez to reminisce with me concerning the making of her son's T-shirt Quilt from his high school shirt shirts. She's my guest blogger at the new blog on my new website.
Hop on over and read her story.
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Visit the new blog at TheQuiltRambler.com |
Karen Overton, The Quilt Rambler, Telling Your Story One Quilt At A Time
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
TheBig Reveal - Quilts 'N Kaboodle is now officially The Quilt Rambler
Things they be a'changing!
Quilts 'N Kaboodle has had a name change and a location change
Find me around the web and social media as The Quilt Rambler
Please like and follow my new facebook page and then go to my website to watch the intro video and read the new blog. Please sign up for notifications and make this move with me in 2017
Thank you for all the years of reading and following Quilts 'N Kaboodle
Karen Overton The Quilt Rambler!
Friday, December 23, 2016
Christmas Eve's Eve
My finger healed nicely thanks to a fantastic surgeon and my essential oils! Not to be out done I found myself in a walking boot due to an accident the day before Thanksgiving ...I didn't have it seen until two weeks later (Dec 6) and had two stress fractures across the middle of my foot - dropped a table while trying to set up for Thanksgiving...I have really been a calamity Jane this last quarter of 2016. Sigh
But I'm getting ahead of myself....
I had thought that I would have wanted to blog and tell the whole tale....but its been public on Facebook and Instagram so much that my emotions have been strung out there too long but....
I do need to share that our sweet Pixxie passed peacefully in my arms at home at 0525 on 12/5/2016 My heart still aches when I think of her - which is quite literally several times a day, sometimes several times an hour! Having a forever puppy for 16.5 years was a blessing. If you have followed my blog you have seen her sweet face on so many photos. In fact, part of my grieving was to retrieve photos of her that had been on this blog for the past 8 years. I created a Pinterest board just for her. If you have time to look at it I bet it will make you smile. Never before, in my life, has a dog been more loved - and not just by me. My brother in law said it best "she always greeted you like you were a lifetime friend."
We buried her in the backyard in the red valentines quilt she always slept with all her life - right after I came back from the podiatrist (photo above). Needless to say December has been an emotional month.
But, I have to say "He gives and takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord" I truly have so many things to be thankful for and really haven't the time to devote to share all of them with you tonight ....but I will...in the future....
Speaking of future! I have some VERY VERY VERY exciting things to reveal the first of the year...currently I am just digging out from a wonderful Christmas season of quilting - and yes, I've actually had the past two to three days off as the quilts were finished early this year! Most of the month has been bleak and dreary with the exception of the day we buried Pixxie and one day this past week when I escaped and went for a joy ride with the sun roof open to the island for a much needed time to relax and laugh....
Ah but I digress...let me show you a few of the customer quilts from this month and then tempt your interest into upcoming things for 2017...
First of all, it may seem like this wasn't a lot of quilting for a month - but bear in mind these were custom quilts that a required a lot of time and attention....and they were a joy to work on.
First of all is Dancing With The Stars pieced by Marcia....this was a kit from back around 2010 and she did such a good job in completing it. I was so pleased that she decided to do custom quilting instead of an all over design.
Dancing With The Stars |
Close up of hand guided custom quilted feathers |
Border details as viewed from the back |
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T-shirts are a speciality in our studio |
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Details of the beauty of the memory |
I had a quilting angel helping me in the background while I worked on these quilts. My friend Dianne came over several days this month to help me prep 90 men's ties for the next commissioned quilt. Jan approached me earlier in the fall and asked if I would take her deceased husband's ties and make two quilts for her daughters, one of whom is expecting her first baby any day now! It was a big undertaking having never made this before and only looking at a photo found on Pinterest as inspiration. By the grace of God and my friend Dianne I was able to make both quilts which she picked up on Tuesday...needless to say the emotions were overwhelming and I could tell that she loved them and I know her daughters will cherish the memory quilt forever...
Forget Santa's Elves, I'd rather have a quilting angel any day!
Each quilt had feathered hearts in the corners - one quilt facing inward, the other outward - representing Daddy's love |
One completed and the second on the frame!
I have totally loved all the people I have met through having the privilege of quilting for them! So many stories! Thank you for the past 13 years, it has truly been a joy to share my passion for quilting.
And there's a new chapter coming in 2017!!!! I am soooo over the moon excited to share the news with you....but it's a New Year's surprise....so you are going to have to wait for it!!
For now - Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Holidays to all my quilty friends!
love you,
karen O in TX
Monday, September 19, 2016
Proceed With Caution
Proceed with caution - this is a safety reminder .... Sewing machines are power tools with thread and should be treated with respect..
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My Janome is red but looks just like this |
Pixxie, my Professional Quilt Model, approves |
As a back story I have had problems with my foot pedal sliding around on the vinyl tile flooring....so recently I bought a foot pedal anti-slide do-hickey at a local Quilt Show...well, the thing-a-ma-jaggy was staying put in one place on the floor but my foot pedal was still sliding on top of it....
I was talking to my youngest son (28) while piecing....that in and of it's self was not a distraction - I'm not know to be silent very often and I do go on a lot of retreats and sew while talking....if fact, I'm rather a smokin' needle as I sew really fast and accomplish a lot when sewing with friends AND TALKING....No, the problem came when I reached down to adjust that run away foot pedal!
Its like texting when driving, or reaching over to retrieve something that has fallen out of the passenger seat...you take your eyes off the road for a split second and I can guarantee you will swerve.....apparently when I reached down to adjust the foot pedal I must have "accelerated" and I ran over my finger! Honestly I don't remember any pain, maybe just a tad like knocking your shin against a cabinet - you know you hit something but you don't know what or how.
I look over at my finger and said "@%*! I think I just sewed my finger!" As I looked at it there was a broken part of the needle sticking out of the top of my finger. I reached to pull it out and found that it was actually broken at the top of where it entered...
We interrupt this tale for a very important announcement. There was no blood on the quilt - I'm a professional ya'know!
Actually, there was no blood at all - it was a puncture wound going straight through my nail and into my finger. Not near as nauseating as it sounds, trust me. And not even painful at that time. I turned my finger over and saw a little "hill-rise" where the end of the needle was trying to come out the other end. My first thoughts was to squeeze my skin and hope it would pop out like a splinter perhaps needing to use a pair of pliers to pull it out....then I came to my senses, figuring I'd probably die from an infection or something tragic like that, so I asked my son to drive me to an ER...
This is the photo taken during that ride - you can see where I didn't bleed at all. Amazing isn't it?
On the way to the ER |
Side story - this is why they call me the Quilt Rambler because I do tend to ramble on with back stories...and yes, I'm hard on my hands - my family doesn't trust me with sharp objects - previously in 2004 I had a serious accident with a rotary blade - if you look closely in the photo you will see where part of my index finger on the right is missing - but hey, I'm only at 30% of damaging my fingers ....
Back to my story ....we pulled up to the strip center where the ER USED TO BE!!!! Where was it?!

I think that was my first panic...smart phone to the rescue - they had moved about a mile away! Onward!
Do you know how embarrassing it is to admit that you are a "professional" sewer/quilter with a sewing machine needle lodged in your finger? I had to actually explain the anatomy of a needle and draw out what part was stuck...as well as explain that it was a titanium coated needle with two parts left at home and the sharp pointed part inside my finger. I was surprised they didn't take x-rays. I told them of my idea of just pulling it out from the other side and that seemed to make sense to them so my finger was numb and they started digging...with permission to make a cut in my flesh...this was the first I had bleed...and they couldn't seem to dislodge the needle...apparently it was in the bone...so the decision was made to send me to a hand surgeon...my info was faxed to an office near by but those doctors were in surgery and the ER then tried to find another doctor that would see me...by then hours had gone by...
I have to interject that during this entire time I had people praying for me and God was answering those prayers, as I was calm, clear headed, and without pain.
God was also "going before me" and preparing the way, and blessing me along the way.
The ER informed me that they weren't going to charge me since they could do nothing to help me. What a blessing!
I neglected to mention that my son and husband had traded places with each other at the ER so my husband was able to drive me to see the hand surgeon. I was so grateful that he worked me in near the close of business. He examined my finger and sent me for x-rays...after viewing them he said that he could probably clean it up in the office but would rather do surgery to make sure everything was done properly so I wouldn't end up with a bone infection...I figured he was the professional so I would let him decide how he wanted to do his job. I was sent home with antibiotics and pain medicine with an early appointment the next morning at the hospital.
When I got home I wanted to see the leftover parts of the needle.
I don't know if Superior Threads would consider this a positive endorsement or not - but this is a testimony on how strong their needles are. Had this not be titanium coated it's very likely that it would have shattered or splintered into small parts potentially causing more damage....as I didn't get to see the x-ray I didn't know if the tip was intact but I knew it was lodged in my bone.
Again, I have to give God the glory as I was not experiencing any pain! However, I didn't sleep well awaiting surgery the next morning. It had been about 35 years since I'd had my one and only surgery of having my wisdom teeth removed. I honestly didn't know what to expect.
God minsters to me a lot through music and of course reminders of verses I've committed to memory. Thursday morning we had to be there at 0600 knowing that surgery would be after 1000 as the doctor was squeezing me in after two previously schedule major hand surgeries. It would be a long wait, but again I was grateful that he had agreed to take me on as a patient. After lots of paperwork I found myself getting a little nervous in the waiting room. I had brought my iPod and this song ministered to me.
"Strong Enough" by Matthew West
So I'm told the surgery was only about 10 minutes long...he did remove a bone fragment....I'm still waiting to see the actual x-rays and hope to be able to view it on my follow-up visit next week. In the meantime I've got a splint and a honkin' bandage that I'm tempted to draw a smily face on or at least a quilting feather design (grin). I have continued to be pain free and am praising God for that! So many have said they were praying for me and believe me, I like the way that makes me feel!
I've also done a little research on others who have sewn through their fingers - most are on the fleshy side and it passes straight through or they are able to remove with pliers...and from their descriptions it must have been excruciating. I don't know why mine hasn't hurt - maybe because it hit bone? I don't know. But I looked up the anatomy of a finger and found it fascinating. I am so hopeful that I will get to see my x-rays of "what used to be there".
Some would assume that this is a common occurrence among sewing machine operators, but I beg to differ! It was an accident, if it had been done on purpose it would be sad indeed, but accidents do happen no matter what your profession.

So the moral of this story dear friends is don't forget that your sewing machine is a power tool not a toy! We get so comfortable with things that seem routine and forget to respect the seriousness of what we are doing - whether it be driving, sewing, or even preparing meals. One friend at church liken my story to sin - that we get numb to the sin around us and forget to be cautious, don't always flee temptation and then end up hurt! But isn't it a wondrous thing that God is always there to rescue and restore us!
Back to my story ....we pulled up to the strip center where the ER USED TO BE!!!! Where was it?!

I think that was my first panic...smart phone to the rescue - they had moved about a mile away! Onward!
Do you know how embarrassing it is to admit that you are a "professional" sewer/quilter with a sewing machine needle lodged in your finger? I had to actually explain the anatomy of a needle and draw out what part was stuck...as well as explain that it was a titanium coated needle with two parts left at home and the sharp pointed part inside my finger. I was surprised they didn't take x-rays. I told them of my idea of just pulling it out from the other side and that seemed to make sense to them so my finger was numb and they started digging...with permission to make a cut in my flesh...this was the first I had bleed...and they couldn't seem to dislodge the needle...apparently it was in the bone...so the decision was made to send me to a hand surgeon...my info was faxed to an office near by but those doctors were in surgery and the ER then tried to find another doctor that would see me...by then hours had gone by...
I have to interject that during this entire time I had people praying for me and God was answering those prayers, as I was calm, clear headed, and without pain.
God was also "going before me" and preparing the way, and blessing me along the way.
The ER informed me that they weren't going to charge me since they could do nothing to help me. What a blessing!
I neglected to mention that my son and husband had traded places with each other at the ER so my husband was able to drive me to see the hand surgeon. I was so grateful that he worked me in near the close of business. He examined my finger and sent me for x-rays...after viewing them he said that he could probably clean it up in the office but would rather do surgery to make sure everything was done properly so I wouldn't end up with a bone infection...I figured he was the professional so I would let him decide how he wanted to do his job. I was sent home with antibiotics and pain medicine with an early appointment the next morning at the hospital.
When I got home I wanted to see the leftover parts of the needle.
I don't know if Superior Threads would consider this a positive endorsement or not - but this is a testimony on how strong their needles are. Had this not be titanium coated it's very likely that it would have shattered or splintered into small parts potentially causing more damage....as I didn't get to see the x-ray I didn't know if the tip was intact but I knew it was lodged in my bone.
Again, I have to give God the glory as I was not experiencing any pain! However, I didn't sleep well awaiting surgery the next morning. It had been about 35 years since I'd had my one and only surgery of having my wisdom teeth removed. I honestly didn't know what to expect.
God minsters to me a lot through music and of course reminders of verses I've committed to memory. Thursday morning we had to be there at 0600 knowing that surgery would be after 1000 as the doctor was squeezing me in after two previously schedule major hand surgeries. It would be a long wait, but again I was grateful that he had agreed to take me on as a patient. After lots of paperwork I found myself getting a little nervous in the waiting room. I had brought my iPod and this song ministered to me.
"Strong Enough" by Matthew West
You must think I'm strong
You must think I'm strong
give me what I'm going through
forgive me
me if I'm wrong
this looks like more than I can do
my own
know I'm not strong enough to be
that I'm supposed to be
give up
not strong enough
of mercy won't you cover me
right now I'm asking you to be
the both of us
that's the point
reach the point of giving up
when I'm finally
at rock bottom
that's when I start looking up
reaching out
know I'm not strong enough to be
that I'm supposed to be
give up
not strong enough
of mercy won't you cover me
right now I'm asking you to be
I'm broken
to nothing
I'm still holding on to the one thing
are God
you are strong
I am weak
can do all things
Christ who gives me strength
I don't have to be
can do all things
Christ who gives me strength
I don't have to be
While listening to this song the nervous twitch in my leg calmed as did my soul. I was in God's hands, He had provided a hand surgeon to take care of my hand! I could breath again.
Moments later I was transferred to pre-op, so much better to wait there stretched out in a bed in those oh-so-fashionable hospital gowns than in a crowded waiting room! I was visited often by nurses and the anthologists telling me what would be happening. It was then that I learned my bone was fractured...and I learned that instead of general anaesthesia they were going to use a Bier Block (pronounced beer) which would shorten my recovery time and allow me to go home sooner! You should google this - I found it very interesting!
The worst part about this whole ordeal was the IV's. I have very small veins and it is a minimum of two pricks to find the vein. Thankfully they numb the area before attempting...needless to say 4 days post surgery these are the only areas of discomfort. Did make it hard to grip the steering wheel driving myself to church on Sunday...Sigh...
Some would assume that this is a common occurrence among sewing machine operators, but I beg to differ! It was an accident, if it had been done on purpose it would be sad indeed, but accidents do happen no matter what your profession.
OH! I almost forgot...when I was joking around prior to surgery with my nurses and doctors I told them to watch for the thread and tell me if it was still in the eye of the needle (grin). After surgery they presented me with the needle point in a little jar as a souvenir and confirmed there was thread!
All parts of the needle are accounted for |
I came home and decided it was TV and bon bons for me...actually TV and dark chocolate (grin). I don't remember much of Friday...did manage to get a little quilting in on Saturday by finishing the piecing of the t-shirt quilt and now have it on the longarm frame to quilt...after quilting a little baby quilt too..I think I was an over achiever and found myself napping on the couch after worship on Sunday and finishing off the evening with more TV - not my usual that's for sure - I really don't like just laying around...
So the moral of this story dear friends is don't forget that your sewing machine is a power tool not a toy! We get so comfortable with things that seem routine and forget to respect the seriousness of what we are doing - whether it be driving, sewing, or even preparing meals. One friend at church liken my story to sin - that we get numb to the sin around us and forget to be cautious, don't always flee temptation and then end up hurt! But isn't it a wondrous thing that God is always there to rescue and restore us!
I'm thinking I need to get back to the basics!
...this is a sewing machine...it uses very very sharp needles....
Thanks for listening! karen
...this is a sewing machine...it uses very very sharp needles....
Thanks for listening! karen
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Sunday Sewing - Move over Vera!
Time to update |
I also have this deep down desire to make my own bags....I have been "collecting" bag patterns for several years...have attempted a few purses and such, some were definitely "homemade" vs "handmade" but I am getting better. I'm not making them to sell (don't worry your pretty little head Miss Vera I will never be a competitor) I just make them for my own pleasure. A few I might give a way...a few get donated to the thrift shop (I figure a sweet young girl would be thrilled with them and not be hypercritical with the construction or the fabric choice). But mainly I just like the challenge of making them and using them.
Recently one of my favorite designers, ByAnnie.com released a brand new design called Zip It Up! and I was chomping a the bit to get my hands on this pattern. It arrived in my mailbox yesterday!!!
I didn't take "in process" photos because Annie does a great job of having clear and precise directions, not to mention tutorials and fabulous Craftsy classes...Instead I'm going to share with you my photos and give you a little behind the scenes commentary of "what was she thinking?"....
Small Zip It Up Case to fit iPad Mini |
Interior of Small Zip It Up Case |
Double Sided Thread Holder |
Interior filled with fun |
I must say that the construction (minus the quilting done previously) took less than 3 hours. The pattern instructions, as I said earlier, are simply wonderful. I still struggle a bit with making a pretty machine binding but I am getting much better at it, especially since I started using the ByAnnie Pressing Tool and Wonder Clips.
By the way, did ya notice the zipper pulls are a different color than the zipper? I think that just adds to the fun!
Everything came together, the case zipped up just fantastic - my iPad Mini with it's cover case fit into the front pocket and I thought I was good to go, calling it a day...and then I remembered...In my Vera iPad sleeve I kept my charger and ear buds...oh my...that's an important ingredient!
Leftovers are a wonderful thing - and not just for dinner...yep, there were quilted leftovers and of course I have extra vinyl and smaller zippers on stand by.... it's not the best workmanship but it serves its purpose...
Small Vinyl Zippered Pocket Holds iPod Charger and Ear Buds |
Now to fit it all in....
Techie things added to the case |
Mesh stretches - you can get a lot in mesh pockets! |
It all fits! |
This case is stuffable! |
Zip It Up! |
Until next show and tell - may your days be pieceful and may your true peace be found in the Lord Jesus, my Creator and true inspiration for all things, not just quilts and crafts!
Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:1-2
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Sunday Sewing - Pinterest Inspired
I love looking at purse/bag patterns. I love making bags and I have my favorite designers (as evidenced by my current home page). While I do own almost every pattern by my favorite bag lady and several others by my other favorite bag ladies I sometimes like to venture out and try to make something on my own or with a tutorial found online. Sometimes it works out, sometimes its a fail but it's always entertaining!
Prior to my quilting cruise I created a board for travel organizers. I found several really cool places that sold travel accessories that I really found inspiring...but I didn't purchase any as I do have an abundance of all sorts of bags, organizers, containers, etc. And I don't travel as much as I used to...But ya' never know - that's the beauty of "pinning" - later on I might remember "I saw that somewhere now where was it?" and low and behold it's on Pinterest.
Fast forward to today...it's been a very busy month since coming back from the cruise - been busy with graduation t-shirt quilts and customer quilts....and today I just wanted to chill out. I have several things cut out and ready to work on, but I didn't have the time to devote to a full fledged project today so I decided to clean out my zipper box...
One thing lead to another...In making a list for replacement colors I found a "short" orange zipper leftover from another project...well....the rest as they say is history...my Sunday Sewing Distraction.
What to do with leftovers... |
I remembered seeing some simple vinyl bags on Pinterest and pulled out my vinyl scraps and attached the zipper to the fabric facing and then to the vinyl...and then I changed my mind. I didn't really want a small clear bag, at least not today. So I dug around in my Soft and Stable scraps and found a piece almost the size of my squares. Good enough.
That's when I remembered a pin on my travel board....it was for a cellphone wristlet that you carry when traveling - a design that allowed you to use the phone while inside the bag and wrapped securely around your wrist to prevent a snatch and grab. Even though I don't travel that much (especially airports) I thought WHY NOT! Besides, what else was I going to work on this afternoon!
So I dove right in. Okay, so I didn't really have the right size zipper, foam, or fabric - but I'm a quilter and I know how to make do!
In reviewing the "store bought" photo online I discovered that the ad boasted of a "hidden pocket" - didn't I have an extra yellow zipper scrap in the clean up pile? Yep, sure did - it was a cut off without it's zipper pull, but have no fear! I'm a quilter and I know how to make do! Actually I have learned from some of my favorite designers how to change out zipper pulls to make things more colorful and fun...good thing I keep a stash of extra zipper pulls for both my regular size zippers and my handbag size zippers....
Long story short, about an hour or so later I had my own little cellphone wristlet and low and behold I could actually operate my phone through the vinyl! who knew! The only negative was trying to take the photos with my phone inside the bag. Grin. The iPad photos aren't nearly as crisp as the new iPhone's camera but I documented it!
My Cell Phone Wristlet Notice the yellow zipper pull on the orange zipper And the orange zipper pull on the yellow interior pocket zipper |
Cell Phone Wristlet Closed The interior pocket is indeed hidden! |
Sunday Sewing - Pinterest Inspired |
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Deadlines, designs and of course distractions
Details of Quilting Design |
such is life...and such were my thoughts before departure on the 2016 Quilting Cruise April 10-17 hosted by Cactus Quilts of Texas City
My original intent was to blog about the craziness of trying to get out of town and to share a bit about the quilts I have been working on (more on that coming up)...but there just wasn't time...too many deadlines.
Life aboard the Carnival Magic |
Those distractions and stresses seem so far away today (Saturday) as I sit on my balcony enjoying the remainder of this week's beautiful journey .....
Rewriting the title of this blog it would now read
Destinations and Divine Appointments
I believe in prayer. Sometimes I forget that prayer is my direct link to ask for God for His strength - I don't have to carry the weight of all the stresses - in prayer I can leave those burdens at His feet. And prayer is the key to finding rest for my weary soul. Jesus gives me peace amidst my circumstances.
I know someone has been praying for me this week - I truly think it has been several someones as the depth of my very soul has been renewed and refreshed on so many levels.
God blessed us with this week's cruise. Not just because it was an opportunity to get away but the story is deeper. We love to cruise but cruising wasn't anywhere in the budget this year. God provided the way - it was a "working cruise." When my husband shared with a co-worker that I would be working on this cruise he was met with a strange look and the question "you mean your wife will be cleaning rooms or something!" Grin.
Nope, Quilting. My passion of quilting was the ticket to this week's blessings. Last year I was privileged to be one of three quilting teachers on Cactus Quilts 2nd Annual Quilting Cruise and I was thrilled to be asked back to teach on this the 3rd Annual Quilting Cruise! So began this journey!
Orignial Pattern Layout Designed for 2016 Quilting Cruise (pattern available) |
Sometimes things don't go as planned. I cut out 13 kits for my various layouts and began working on them at retreats and sew-ins this past year.
Alas, only 8 out of the 13 were pieced by the time of departure and of those, only two were totally complete all the way to their label. What I thought was failure in not meeting my goal of at least having all of the pieced tops quilted turned into a blessing as I discovered that unquilted tops are easier to pack and they can be hang from the classroom walls with painters tape! More on my students accomplishments later as I do want to journal in chronological order...my class was Friday...
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Classroom aboard the Carnival Magic 4.15.16 |
As mentioned, things were rather stressful prior to departure (like not getting the suitcases packed until 30 minutes before leaving).But once the baggage handler takes your overweight bags onto his cart and wheels them away towards the loading dock the stresses seem to begin to slowly fade - we are going on a cruise! Well, at least at this point my luggage and all my quits are!!!
Enjoying the peacefulness |
Sunday and Monday we aquatinted ourselves with our new floating home - we learned that even though this was our first time on the Carnival Magic that this was the ship's last cruise to call Galveston their home port as they will be relocating to Florida next week.
This is a beautiful ship with so much to offer for so many different tastes and needs. We have enjoyed our cruise mates this week - especially watching the brave ones not minding being silly when called upon for the entertainment of fellow guests - from the over eager kid assisting in a shore excursion talk by being the one to draw out names for door prizes, to the older preacher who won the hairy chest contest, to the crowd laughing and working together in the hoola hoop pass.
Everyone is happy here. Everyone is friendly. A black man struck up a conversation with my husband one evening towards the end of the cruise and commented that he had noticed that there was no "racism" here aboard the ship and wonder why - to which my husband replied "lack of media". Their combined conclusion was that we are all people and the color of our skin isn't what makes the difference but the way people choose to act or react. There are people you like and people you don't, doesn't matter skin color, we are all just people. The gentleman said that this was the way he was raising his daughters - to not care about color of skin to which my hubby replied that too was the way we raised our sons. Indeed we are all created by the same Creator God and in His creativity He made different cultures, nationalities and skin color. In reflecting upon this together later I came to the conclusion that the friendliness aboard our ship this week stems from the underlying sense of community. We are all on the boat together for better or worse and we have chosen to be respectful and kind to each other no matter our backgrounds or skin color. Oh that this would be the way of the world. I believe that is what heaven will be like - only on a grander scale - no sin! We will love because of His love.
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Daily Necessities Devotions, Water, Sign & Sail Card and of course Towel Critters |
Tuesday was our 36th anniversary and we celebrated in Key West. As mentioned previously this was our "cheap date" cruise so we did not have any planned excursions, we were just going to enjoy the ship and being together. We did however take a trolley tour around Key West and learned a bit of the history of the island. In passing through all the sights and sounds we saw a lighthouse and decided that was to be our destination for further exploration later in the day.
After our guided tour we indeed found the lighthouse and to my joy discovered that we could climb up into it for a small fee! There was a docent in the museum area and we were able to question him to learn more about the history of this particular light house. He asked if I were a teacher (grin) I guess my curious mind was the give away. While I didn't formerly teach in a school system I did homeschool our boys and of course I'm a quilting teacher ...
Key West Lighthouse |
Anyway, the climb up the light house was 88 steps. Piece of cake for my husband as he climbs 98 steps at work to get into the cab of the crane he opperates ... For me, well....about the time I wanted to give up because of fatigue in climbing God blessed me with a small landing to catch my breath. Just enough strength to push forward. Think about that for a moment - isn't that just like God to give you just enough light for the step you are on - the encouragement to press on! And the reward was breathtaking!
We were able to climb to the service room where the keeper would clean the lamp chimneys and prepare the lantern for the coming night. We learned earlier that whale oil was the original fuel source.
From the cat walk surrounding the service room we were able to have a birds eye view of the island. As our gaze went towards the southern most point my thoughts went to Cuba a mere 90 miles away. Only the day before, Monday 4/11/16, a team from our church Calvary Chapel Houston arrived in Cuba for an evangelist campaign. We have been praying for their mission trip and eagerly await their return next week (4/21/16) along with the accompanying praise report.
Looking out towards the Southernmost Point and Cuba |
Lighthouse lens |
Our afternoon "shopping experience" walking down Duval Street back to the ship was a grand total of $1 for a sticker of the Southernmost Point. Traditionally on previous trips we have had our photo made there but this year didn't want to wait in line - but we were there!!
The above narration was written 4/16/16 aboard the ship and edited 4/17/16 upon arrival home... As this is getting rather lengthy I will continue Part Two in the next blog - stay tuned for Blessings in the Bahamas and more Miracles aboard the Magic....
Nothing like an anniversary cruise to rekindle the romance April 12, 2016 36 years together |
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